Supattra Hassaro

Assistant Vice President at Asset World

Supattra Hassaro Email & Phone number

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Supattra Hassaro Current Workplace



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About Supattra Hassaro

Supattra Hassaro is an Assistant Vice President at Asset World based in Bang Kholame, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya.Explore more

Supattra Hassaro Current Workplace

Asset World

2022-present (2 years)

Asset World Corporation (AWC) is Thailand's leading integrated lifestyle real estate group, a member of TCC Group, one of Thailand's most prominent conglomerates. AWC's core focus of real estate development and management projects encompass two business groups: Hospitality helping Thailand become the top destination for sustainable tourism with hotels in key locations in Bangkok and popular destinations throughout Thailand serviced by management teams from internationally acclaimed hotel groups such as Marriott, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Okura, Banyan Tree, Hilton, and Sheraton; Retail and Commercial Buildings (covering retail, and wholesale facilities with mixed-use properties and office buildings) providing well-balanced and unique offerings a best-in-class customer experience that meet business and modern lifestyles with high-quality and innovative real estate development projects overseen by a qualified and experienced management team to build long-term value for stakeholders. AWCSee more

Org Chart - Asset World


Assistant Vice President




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Supattra Hassaro

What company does Supattra Hassaro work for?
Supattra Hassaro works for Asset World as Assistant Vice President
What is Supattra Hassaro’s role in Asset World?
Supattra Hassaro’s role in Asset World is Assistant Vice President
What is Supattra Hassaro’s email address?
Supattra Hassaro’s email address is s***
What is Supattra Hassaro’s business email address?
Supattra Hassaro’s business email address is s***
What is Supattra Hassaro’s direct phone number?
Supattra Hassaro’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Supattra Hassaro’s work phone number?
Supattra Hassaro’s headquarters phone number is +66 21809999
Which industry does Supattra Hassaro work in?
Supattra Hassaro works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Supattra Hassaro’s peers at other companies?
Supattra Hassaro’s peers at other companies are Muresh Panga, Andrew Baker, Reia Tong, John Cai, Sean Washatka.
Who are Supattra Hassaro’s colleagues?
Some of Supattra Hassaro’s colleagues are Phongnarin Sariwat, Jirachpong Mattavarach, Chakkrit Yossanant, Wirat Ratchanaket.
How can I contact Supattra Hassaro?
Supattra Hassaro contact details: Email address: s*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Supattra Hassaro?

Supattra Hassaro is an Assistant Vice President at Asset World based in Bang Kholame, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya.... Read More

Where is Supattra Hassaro based?
Supattra Hassaro works for Asset World, located at Thailand
See more information about Supattra Hassaro

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