
Sunil Dwivedi

Delhi Area Sales Manager at Supertron Electronics

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About Sunil Dwivedi

Sunil Dwivedi is a Delhi Area Sales Manager at Supertron Electronics based in Treasury Building, West Bengal.Explore more

Sunil Dwivedi Current Workplace

Supertron Electronics

2023-present (1 year)

Supertron Electronics Pvt Ltd founded by Mr. V. K. Bhandari in the year 1993, is a leading distribution house of Information Technology and Telecom Company in India which has graduated from regional to national level within a very short span of time. The distribution house has witnessed phenomenal growth apx 60% percent over the last five years. The company has a pan India presence with 36 branch offices and warehouses and 19 satellite offices across 29 states and UTs with 600 plus employees and a strong network of 27 service locations. Supertron clocked a turnover of around Rs.3400 Crore during FY 2018-19. As far as volume distribution is concerned, Supertron caters to over 11,000 channel partners spread across the country. The success of its strategic tie ups with more than 28 MNC players has bolstered the growth of Supertron and helped the company to strengthen its position among the leading distribution houses in India.

Org Chart - Supertron Electronics


Delhi Area Sales Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sunil Dwivedi

What company does Sunil Dwivedi work for?
Sunil Dwivedi works for Supertron Electronics as Delhi Area Sales Manager
What is Sunil Dwivedi’s role in Supertron Electronics?
Sunil Dwivedi’s role in Supertron Electronics is Delhi Area Sales Manager
What is Sunil Dwivedi’s email address?
Sunil Dwivedi’s email address is s***@supertronindia.com
What is Sunil Dwivedi’s business email address?
Sunil Dwivedi’s business email address is s***@supertronindia.com
What is Sunil Dwivedi’s direct phone number?
Sunil Dwivedi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sunil Dwivedi’s work phone number?
Sunil Dwivedi’s headquarters phone number is +91 3322131221
Which industry does Sunil Dwivedi work in?
Sunil Dwivedi works in the industry of Consumer Electronics & Computers Retail, Retail.
Who are Sunil Dwivedi’s peers at other companies?
Sunil Dwivedi’s peers at other companies are Gaurav Upadhya, Abhishek Sharma.
Who are Sunil Dwivedi’s colleagues?
Some of Sunil Dwivedi’s colleagues are Pinaki Das, Balaji Supertron, Hozefa Bhatia, Dinesh Biyani.
How can I contact Sunil Dwivedi?
Sunil Dwivedi contact details: Email address: s***@supertronindia.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Sunil Dwivedi?

Sunil Dwivedi is a Delhi Area Sales Manager at Supertron Electronics based in Treasury Building, West Bengal.... Read More

Where is Sunil Dwivedi based?
Sunil Dwivedi works for Supertron Electronics, located at India
See more information about Sunil Dwivedi

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