Sulaiman Al

President at TMK GIPI

Sulaiman Al Email & Phone number

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+968 ** ******

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About Sulaiman Al

Sulaiman Al is the President at TMK GIPI based in Al `Udhaybah ash Shamaliyah, Muhafazat Masqat.Explore more

Sulaiman Al Current Workplace


2014-present (11 years)

Gulf International Pipe Industry (TMK GIPI) was established as a Limited Liability Company in Sultanate of Oman in January 2007. TMK GIPI is a manufacturer of High Pressure Steel Line Pipes and Casing Pipes in Oman and the first mill in MENA region and sub continent of India to manufacture high pressure 24” Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) Steel Pipes. Now TMK GIPI is a part of TMK, which is a global steel pipe manufacturer with about 30 production sites in the United States, Russia, Canada, Romania, Oman, UAE, and Kazakhstan and two R&D centres in Russia and the USA.

Org Chart - TMK GIPI






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sulaiman Al

What company does Sulaiman Al work for?
Sulaiman Al works for TMK GIPI as President
What is Sulaiman Al’s role in TMK GIPI?
Sulaiman Al’s role in TMK GIPI is President
What is Sulaiman Al’s direct phone number?
Sulaiman Al’s direct phone number is +968 ** ******
What is Sulaiman Al’s work phone number?
Sulaiman Al’s headquarters phone number is +968 26827000
Which industry does Sulaiman Al work in?
Sulaiman Al works in the industry of Building Materials, Manufacturing.
Who are Sulaiman Al’s peers at other companies?
Sulaiman Al’s peers at other companies are Tommy Battle, Wes Renneberg, Ken Schwenker, Scott McNichols, Maruf Khan.
Who are Sulaiman Al’s colleagues?
Some of Sulaiman Al’s colleagues are Stanislav Romanov, Denis Golitsyn, Bejoy Bhaskaran, Manjeet Singh.
Who is Sulaiman Al?

Sulaiman Al is the President at TMK GIPI based in Al `Udhaybah ash Shamaliyah, Muhafazat Masqat.... Read More

Where is Sulaiman Al based?
Sulaiman Al works for TMK GIPI, located at Oman
Who is TMK GIPI’s President?
TMK GIPI's President is Sulaiman Al
See more information about Sulaiman Al

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