
Sue Meany

Partner at Palmetto Parts

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(***) ***-****

Sue Meany Current Workplace


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About Sue Meany

Sue Meany is a Partner at Palmetto Parts based in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.Explore more

Sue Meany Current Workplace

Palmetto Parts

2016-present (9 years)

Palparco Inc. dba Palmetto Parts Company was started in 1994 by Sue H. Meany out of her home in Myrtle Beach. Sue targeted the maintenance departments for the local hotels offering window and door hardware. After a year of business, William E. Meany, Sue's husband came to work for the company full time. Together they expanded their product offerings to incorporate plumbing, lighting, and electrical repair parts for not only hotels, but also plumbing contractors, condos, school districts, military bases, housing authorities, prisons, universities, and hospitals in the Carolinas and Georgia. Our job is to make our customer's maintenance operation run more efficiently by offering competitively priced quality repair parts. Our professional sales force is proficient at identifying fixtures and providing our customers with the most economical repair solutions. "A maintenance engineer's job is a crisis management job and we take the crisis out of it."

Org Chart - Palmetto Parts






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sue Meany

What company does Sue Meany work for?
Sue Meany works for Palmetto Parts as Partner
What is Sue Meany’s role in Palmetto Parts?
Sue Meany’s role in Palmetto Parts is Partner
What is Sue Meany’s email address?
Sue Meany’s email address is s***@palmettoparts.com
What is Sue Meany’s business email address?
Sue Meany’s business email address is s***@palmettoparts.com
What is Sue Meany’s direct phone number?
Sue Meany’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sue Meany’s work phone number?
Sue Meany’s headquarters phone number is (843) 444-0811
Which industry does Sue Meany work in?
Sue Meany works in the industry of Building Materials, Manufacturing.
Who are Sue Meany’s peers at other companies?
Sue Meany’s peers at other companies are Mitchell Meyer, Howard Law, Tina Singelakis-Bandy, Ken Stan-Bishop, Brian Knies.
Who are Sue Meany’s colleagues?
Some of Sue Meany’s colleagues are Adam SlawsKi, Stephanie Ravaschio, Bill Meany, Darline Simmons.
How can I contact Sue Meany?
Sue Meany contact details: Email address: s***@palmettoparts.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Sue Meany?

Sue Meany is a Partner at Palmetto Parts based in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.... Read More

Where is Sue Meany based?
Sue Meany works for Palmetto Parts, located at United States
See more information about Sue Meany

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