
Stuart Dodge

Director at Williamstown Musical Theatre

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Stuart Dodge Current Workplace


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About Stuart Dodge

Stuart Dodge is a Director at Williamstown Musical Theatre based in Williamstown, Victoria.Explore more

Stuart Dodge Current Workplace

Williamstown Musical Theatre

2013-present (12 years)

Williamstown Musical Theatre Company Inc is a non-profit incorporated association, which has the support and endorsement of the Hobsons Bay Council and is administered by a volunteer committee of management. Formerly known as Williamstown Light Opera Company, we have staged numerous productions for both theatre-lovers and the Hobsons Bay community for fifty years at our theatre, The Williamstown Mechanics Institute on the corner of Melbourne Road and Electra Street. Williamstown Light Opera Company was first formed in 1954 and our first production was "The Pirates of Penzance" in 1956. Since then we have staged three show per year until 2002 when our theatre underwent renovations to improve our facilities. Re-Launched in 2005 under our new name, Williamstown Musical Theatre Company Inc we aim to establish and develop, nurture and encourage the performing arts and musical theatre within the City of Hobsons Bay and the broader community. Our company membership is comprised of people of aSee more

Org Chart - Williamstown Musical Theatre






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Stuart Dodge

What company does Stuart Dodge work for?
Stuart Dodge works for Williamstown Musical Theatre as Director
What is Stuart Dodge’s role in Williamstown Musical Theatre?
Stuart Dodge’s role in Williamstown Musical Theatre is Director
What is Stuart Dodge’s email address?
Stuart Dodge’s email address is s***@wmtc.org.au
What is Stuart Dodge’s business email address?
Stuart Dodge’s business email address is s***@wmtc.org.au
What is Stuart Dodge’s direct phone number?
Stuart Dodge’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Stuart Dodge’s work phone number?
Stuart Dodge’s headquarters phone number is +61 1300881545
Which industry does Stuart Dodge work in?
Stuart Dodge works in the industry of Fitness & Dance Facilities, Recreation, Hospitality.
Who are Stuart Dodge’s peers at other companies?
Stuart Dodge’s peers at other companies are Jessica Berberich, Nicanor Gonzalez, Shelley Spiegel, Mark Fotheringham, Gordon Harper.
Who are Stuart Dodge’s colleagues?
Some of Stuart Dodge’s colleagues are Fulya Kantarmaci, Ashley Tynan.
How can I contact Stuart Dodge?
Stuart Dodge contact details: Email address: s***@wmtc.org.au Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Stuart Dodge?

Stuart Dodge is a Director at Williamstown Musical Theatre based in Williamstown, Victoria.... Read More

Where is Stuart Dodge based?
Stuart Dodge works for Williamstown Musical Theatre, located at Australia
See more information about Stuart Dodge

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