Steven Reiter

Chief Executive Officer at St Dominic Village

Steven Reiter Email & Phone number

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(713) ***-****

Steven Reiter Current Workplace


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About Steven Reiter

Steven Reiter is a Chief Executive Officer at St Dominic Village based in Houston, Texas.Explore more

Steven Reiter Current Workplace

St Dominic Village

2012-present (13 years)

The employees of St. Dominic Village are committed to providing for the physical, spiritual, emotional and social needs of every resident. We believe in the inherent sanctity and dignity of each person - residents, family members, and fellow staff. St. Dominic Village is a non-profit corporation established by the Catholic Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Our facility provides services to over 600 residents a year. St. Dominic Village is a member of the Texas Medical Center. We are located on a beautiful campus conveniently located off of Holcombe Blvd near Interstate 288. We are located near the Metro bus line and provide free, on-campus parking to all employees. In addition to a competitive salary, as an employee of St. Dominic Village you may be entitled to our very generous benefits offerings. We are proud of the devoted professionals we have here at St. Dominic Village and we look forward to talking with you about opportunities to join our team. St Dominic Village provides equalSee more

Org Chart - St Dominic Village

Chief Executive Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Steven Reiter

What company does Steven Reiter work for?
Steven Reiter works for St Dominic Village as Chief Executive Officer
What is Steven Reiter’s role in St Dominic Village?
Steven Reiter’s role in St Dominic Village is Chief Executive Officer
What is Steven Reiter’s direct phone number?
Steven Reiter’s direct phone number is (713) ***-****
What is Steven Reiter’s work phone number?
Steven Reiter’s headquarters phone number is (713) 741-8701
Which industry does Steven Reiter work in?
Steven Reiter works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Steven Reiter’s peers at other companies?
Steven Reiter’s peers at other companies are Bill Wertman, Tracy Bauer, Tammy Tuminaro, Chad Harris, Jonathan Dugas.
Who are Steven Reiter’s colleagues?
Some of Steven Reiter’s colleagues are John Connolly, Igbal Singh, Cedric Anderson, Oscar Santos.
Who is Steven Reiter?

Steven Reiter is a Chief Executive Officer at St Dominic Village based in Houston, Texas.... Read More

Where is Steven Reiter based?
Steven Reiter works for St Dominic Village, located at United States
Who is St Dominic Village’s Chief Executive Officer?
St Dominic Village's Chief Executive Officer is Steven Reiter
See more information about Steven Reiter

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