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Digital Manufacturing Simulation Software |aPriori Corporate Video 2020
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Steve Peck , Vice President, Application Engineering & Solutions, aPriori 11:05 AM - 11:35 AM EST Steve Peck 11:45 AM - 12:45PM ESTJEC Composites Technical Conferences to be streamed online | JEC Group
Steve PECK , VP, Applications Engineering & Solutions, aPriori : Identifying Costly Design Features and Manufacturability Issues Early in the A&D Deve...ESI sponsors the 'Composites Simulation Conference' taking place during the JEC Paris 2010 | ESI Group
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Steven Peck
Steven Peck is a Solutions Vice President, Applications Engineering at aPriori based in Concord, Massachusetts. Previously, Steven was a Director, Product & Market Strategy, Aerostructures at VISTAGY and also held positions at Husky, Synventive Molding Solutions.... Read More