Steven Ehlers

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About Steven Ehlers

Steven Ehlers works at Family-Centered Services, which is a Hospitals & Physicians Clinics company with an estimated 6 employees. Found email listings include: s*** more

Steven Ehlers Current Workplace

When families run out of options, Adam and Jenny provide an experienced, solution-focused intervention strategy centered on getting your loved one immediate help. Experienced therapists specifically trained and passionate about helping those struggling with co-occurring disorders, while providing critical ongoing support to family members. We're a licensed mental health team, specializing in trauma-informed approaches to substance use, mental health, process addictions and disordered eating. We're a licensed mental health team, specializing in trauma-informed approaches to substance use, mental health, process addictions and disordered eating. "You are lucky if you meet a small number of people who change your life. Adam is one of those people." "Adam brought a perfect balance of toughness & kindness, strength & softness, stability & flexibility into a very critical situation." Recovery from alcoholism and addiction takes a Family-Centered approach. Our family got here together and thaSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Steven Ehlers

What is Steven Ehlers’s direct phone number?
Steven Ehlers’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Steven Ehlers’s work phone number?
Steven Ehlers’s headquarters phone number is (509) 991-5822
Which industry does Steven Ehlers work in?
Steven Ehlers works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Steven Ehlers’s colleagues?
Some of Steven Ehlers’s colleagues are Tami Pollari, Jenny Finley.
Where is Steven Ehlers based?
Steven Ehlers works for Family-Centered Services, located at United States
See more information about Steven Ehlers

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