Steve Van Cleave

Owner at SERVPRO of Tinley Park

Steve Van Cleave Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Steve Van Cleave Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Steve Van Cleave Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Steve Van Cleave

Steve Van Cleave is an Owner at SERVPRO of Tinley Park based in Tinley Park, Illinois. Previously, Steve was an Owner and President at Pacific Rim Rep Group and also held positions at Rykoff-sexton.

Steve Van Cleave Current Workplace

SERVPRO of Tinley Park

2010-present (14 years)

SERVPRO of Tinley Park Professionals are available 24 hours/7 days a week and will respond quickly to a restoration emergency, whether it is water, fire or mold. Call today - (708) 444-1667.

Steve Van Cleave Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Owner and President

Pacific Rim Rep Group


Independent Business Owner

Hawaii Rep Group


Equipment Specialist



Org Chart - SERVPRO of Tinley Park

Steve Van Cleave


Recent News About Steve Van Cleave

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Steve Van Cleave

What company does Steve Van Cleave work for?
Steve Van Cleave works for SERVPRO of Tinley Park as Owner
What is Steve Van Cleave’s role in SERVPRO of Tinley Park?
Steve Van Cleave’s role in SERVPRO of Tinley Park is Owner
What is Steve Van Cleave’s direct phone number?
Steve Van Cleave’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Steve Van Cleave’s work phone number?
Steve Van Cleave’s headquarters phone number is (708) 444-1667
What is Steve Van Cleave’s latest job experience?
Steve Van Cleave’s latest job experience is Owner and President at Pacific Rim Rep Group
Which industry does Steve Van Cleave work in?
Steve Van Cleave works in the industry of Facilities Management & Commercial Cleaning, Business Services.
Who are Steve Van Cleave’s peers at other companies?
Steve Van Cleave’s peers at other companies are Bill Hameier, Kevin LaVoie, Rick Roland, Paul Masters, Thomas Fox.
Who is Steve Van Cleave?

Steve Van Cleave is an Owner at SERVPRO of Tinley Park based in Tinley Park, Illinois. Previously, Steve was an Owner and President at Pacific Rim Rep Group and also held positions at Rykoff-sexton....

Where is Steve Van Cleave based?
Steve Van Cleave works for SERVPRO of Tinley Park, located at United States
Who is SERVPRO of Tinley Park’s Owner?
SERVPRO of Tinley Park's Owner is Steve Van Cleave