
Steve Patterson

General Manager at Contractors Connection

Steve Patterson Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Steve Patterson Current Workplace


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About Steve Patterson

Steve Patterson is a General Manager at Contractors Connection based in Utica, Michigan.Explore more

Steve Patterson Current Workplace

Contractors Connection

1995-present (30 years)

Contractors Connection Inc. has been family owned and operated since 1991. We are located on the south side of Auburn Road, between Ryan and Dequindre, in Shelby Township, Michigan. We carry a complete line of construction tools, equipment and supplies - everything from safety vests, shovels, and marking paint to laser levels, arrow boards and cement mixers. Our expansive inventory helps ensure we have the products you need, when you need them! We have a team of inside and on the road sales representatives working together to take care of your supply needs. Delivery to your office, yard or job site is also available. We have a variety of items available in our rental department, and friendly staff to help determine the proper equipment for your application and manage your rental reservations. Our service department is helpful in answering your technical questions, ordering parts, and handling your equipment repairs, winterizations, and check-ups. We all work together to take care of buSee more

Org Chart - Contractors Connection

General Manager





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Steve Patterson

What company does Steve Patterson work for?
Steve Patterson works for Contractors Connection as General Manager
What is Steve Patterson’s role in Contractors Connection?
Steve Patterson’s role in Contractors Connection is General Manager
What is Steve Patterson’s email address?
Steve Patterson’s email address is s***@contractorsconnectioninc.com
What is Steve Patterson’s business email address?
Steve Patterson’s business email address is s***@contractorsconnectioninc.com
What is Steve Patterson’s direct phone number?
Steve Patterson’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Steve Patterson’s work phone number?
Steve Patterson’s headquarters phone number is (586) 726-9690
Which industry does Steve Patterson work in?
Steve Patterson works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Steve Patterson’s peers at other companies?
Steve Patterson’s peers at other companies are Jared Dowd, Andrew Kemp, Randy Vanevenhoven, Steven Hopkins, Damodar Tanguturi.
Who are Steve Patterson’s colleagues?
Some of Steve Patterson’s colleagues are Russell Patterson, Joe Saferian, Karla Patterson, Bill Brookshire.
How can I contact Steve Patterson?
Steve Patterson contact details: Email address: s***@contractorsconnectioninc.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Steve Patterson?

Steve Patterson is a General Manager at Contractors Connection based in Utica, Michigan.... Read More

Where is Steve Patterson based?
Steve Patterson works for Contractors Connection, located at United States
See more information about Steve Patterson

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