Stephen Peroutka

Co-Founder & Managing Partner at Peroutka & Peroutka

Stephen Peroutka Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(410) ***-****

Stephen Peroutka Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Stephen Peroutka Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Stephen Peroutka

Steve Peroutka is a Maryland lawyer who attended Loyola College and the University of Baltimore Law School. He founded the Law Firm of Peroutka and Peroutka, P.A. in 1991 and is currently its Managing Partner. For several years, he hosted a variety of local and national radio programs dealing with pro-life and faith based issues. He has served on many Boards including The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts, The Women’s Care Center and the Maryland March for Life. He…Explore more

Stephen Peroutka Current Workplace

Peroutka & Peroutka

2000-present (25 years)

Klima, Peters & Daly, P.A. is a Maryland-based collection law firm that specializes in representing creditors and ethically collecting delinquent consumer debt across Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, and Washington, DC. The firm is licensed by the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, with all collectors certified by the American Collectors Association, International. They are also insured and bonded, ensuring professionalism and adherence to ethical standards. The intended clients of the firm include creditors seeking effective debt collection services.

Stephen Peroutka Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Peroutka, Miller

Klima, Peters & Daly




B. A.

Loyola College


Loyola University School of Law
University of Baltimore School of Law
Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board of Advisors Member

Crossroads Pro-Life


Board Member

World Villages



National Black Pro-Life Union


Org Chart - Peroutka & Peroutka


Co-Founder & Managing Partner




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Stephen Peroutka

What company does Stephen Peroutka work for?
Stephen Peroutka works for Peroutka & Peroutka as Co-Founder & Managing Partner
What is Stephen Peroutka’s role in Peroutka & Peroutka?
Stephen Peroutka’s role in Peroutka & Peroutka is Co-Founder & Managing Partner
What is Stephen Peroutka’s email address?
Stephen Peroutka’s email address is s***@peroutkalaw.com
What is Stephen Peroutka’s business email address?
Stephen Peroutka’s business email address is s***@peroutkalaw.com
What is Stephen Peroutka’s direct phone number?
Stephen Peroutka’s direct phone number is (410) ***-****
What is Stephen Peroutka’s work phone number?
Stephen Peroutka’s headquarters phone number is (410) 768-2424
What is Stephen Peroutka’s latest job experience?
Stephen Peroutka’s latest job experience is Peroutka, Miller at Klima, Peters & Daly
What is Stephen Peroutka’s latest education?
Stephen Peroutka’s latest education in B. A. at Loyola College
Which industry does Stephen Peroutka work in?
Stephen Peroutka works in the industry of Law Firms & Legal Services.
Who are Stephen Peroutka’s peers at other companies?
Stephen Peroutka’s peers at other companies are Jamie Konn, John Cook, Antonio Ocasio, Joseph Wilson, Maureen Daley.
Who are Stephen Peroutka’s colleagues?
Some of Stephen Peroutka’s colleagues are Elizabeth Taby, Michael Miele, Craig Kennedy, Beth Boyd.
How can I contact Stephen Peroutka?
Stephen Peroutka contact details: Email address: s***@peroutkalaw.com Phone number: (410) ***-****
Who is Stephen Peroutka?

Steve Peroutka is a Maryland lawyer who attended Loyola College and the University of Baltimore Law School. He founded the Law Firm of Peroutka and Peroutka, P.A. in 1991 and is currently its Managing Partner. For several years, he hosted a variety of local and national radio programs dealing with pro-life and faith based issues. He has served on m... any Boards including The Thomas More College of Liberal Arts, The Women’s Care Center and the Maryland March for Life. He…Read More

Where is Stephen Peroutka based?
Stephen Peroutka works for Peroutka & Peroutka, located at United States
Who is Peroutka & Peroutka’s Co-Founder & Managing Partner?
Peroutka & Peroutka's Co-Founder & Managing Partner is Stephen Peroutka
See more information about Stephen Peroutka

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