Stephanie Seymour

Science Teacher at Westlake Girls High School

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About Stephanie Seymour

Stephanie Seymour is a Science Teacher at Westlake Girls High School based in Auckland, Auckland.Explore more

Stephanie Seymour Current Workplace

Westlake Girls High School

2024-present (7 months)

Westlake Girls High School is a state secondary school for girls with approximately 2,300 students, situated on the North Shore of Auckland City. We offer NCEA as an academic pathway to University Entrance, and we are recognised both nationally and internationally as a school with an outstanding level of achievement in academic studies, music and sports. As well as academic programmes, we have many other programmes of interest to international students wishing to broaden their skills in hospitality, media studies, child development and outdoor education. The school has state-of-the-art audio visual interactive facilities, and there is high speed internet access in all classrooms. Classrooms and learning spaces are modern and well equipped, and the grounds are attractively landscaped. Canteen facilities provide a variety of nutritious hot and cold food. Renown particularly for our music and sporting accomplishments, Westlake students have achieved in national and international competitiSee more

Org Chart - Westlake Girls High School


Science Teacher




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Stephanie Seymour

What company does Stephanie Seymour work for?
Stephanie Seymour works for Westlake Girls High School as Science Teacher
What is Stephanie Seymour’s role in Westlake Girls High School?
Stephanie Seymour’s role in Westlake Girls High School is Science Teacher
What is Stephanie Seymour’s email address?
Stephanie Seymour’s email address is s***
What is Stephanie Seymour’s business email address?
Stephanie Seymour’s business email address is s***
What is Stephanie Seymour’s direct phone number?
Stephanie Seymour’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Stephanie Seymour’s work phone number?
Stephanie Seymour’s headquarters phone number is +64 94894169
Which industry does Stephanie Seymour work in?
Stephanie Seymour works in the industry of K-12 Schools, Education.
Who are Stephanie Seymour’s peers at other companies?
Stephanie Seymour’s peers at other companies are Vincent Bryant, Michelle Vero, Jessica Keegan, Tehya Sharp, Camille Gonzalez-Jensen.
Who are Stephanie Seymour’s colleagues?
Some of Stephanie Seymour’s colleagues are Paul Davis, Phoebe Hinton, Brigid Costello, Holly Pearson.
How can I contact Stephanie Seymour?
Stephanie Seymour contact details: Email address: s*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Stephanie Seymour?

Stephanie Seymour is a Science Teacher at Westlake Girls High School based in Auckland, Auckland.... Read More

Where is Stephanie Seymour based?
Stephanie Seymour works for Westlake Girls High School, located at New Zealand
See more information about Stephanie Seymour

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