Stephanie Carcamo

Marketing Senior Partner & Manager at Justuno

Stephanie Carcamo Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Stephanie Carcamo Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Stephanie Carcamo

Stephanie Carcamo is a Marketing Senior Partner & Manager at Justuno based in Fairfax, California. Previously, Stephanie was a Marketing Partner & Manager at Justuno and also held positions at Volusion, The Purdue Exponent. Stephanie received a Academic Honors Diploma degree from South Newton Jr-Sr High School and a Bachelor of Science from Purdue University.Explore more

Stephanie Carcamo Current Workplace


2024-present (10 months)

Justuno is a comprehensive marketing automation platform designed for professional marketers to optimize site traffic and conversion rates. The platform offers a suite of integrated tools, including pop-ups, quizzes, landing pages, and AI product recommendations, enhancing user engagement and boosting sales for over 100,000 brands. Targeting e-commerce businesses across various industries, Justuno provides features such as customer segmentation, A/B testing, and personalized messaging for improved customer experiences. With seamless integrations with platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce, Justuno empowers brands to increase their list growth and average order value.

Stephanie Carcamo Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Marketing Partner & Manager



Support Operations Manager, Customer Experience



Team Lead Services Customer Success Professional & Strategist



Services Professional & Customer Success Strategist





Academic Honors Diploma

South Newton Jr-Sr High School

Bachelor of Science - Selling and Sales Management

Purdue University

Bachelor of Anthropology

Arizona State University

Org Chart - Justuno


Marketing Senior Partner & Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Stephanie Carcamo

What company does Stephanie Carcamo work for?
Stephanie Carcamo works for Justuno as Marketing Senior Partner & Manager
What is Stephanie Carcamo’s role in Justuno?
Stephanie Carcamo’s role in Justuno is Marketing Senior Partner & Manager
What is Stephanie Carcamo’s email address?
Stephanie Carcamo’s email address is s***@justuno.com
What is Stephanie Carcamo’s business email address?
Stephanie Carcamo’s business email address is s***@justuno.com
What is Stephanie Carcamo’s direct phone number?
Stephanie Carcamo’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Stephanie Carcamo’s work phone number?
Stephanie Carcamo’s headquarters phone number is (415) 878-6070
What is Stephanie Carcamo’s latest job experience?
Stephanie Carcamo’s latest job experience is Marketing Partner & Manager at Justuno
What is Stephanie Carcamo’s latest education?
Stephanie Carcamo’s latest education in Academic Honors Diploma at South Newton Jr-Sr High School
Which industry does Stephanie Carcamo work in?
Stephanie Carcamo works in the industry of Engineering Software, Software Development & Design, Software.
Who are Stephanie Carcamo’s peers at other companies?
Stephanie Carcamo’s peers at other companies are Wendy Serra, Ambarish Chandrasekaran, Kelly Smith, Kiki Brown, Susanne Seward-Ross.
Who are Stephanie Carcamo’s colleagues?
Some of Stephanie Carcamo’s colleagues are Nicholas Kiowski, Crystal Mendoza, Austin Torres, Travis Logan.
How can I contact Stephanie Carcamo?
Stephanie Carcamo contact details: Email address: s***@justuno.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Stephanie Carcamo?

Stephanie Carcamo is a Marketing Senior Partner & Manager at Justuno based in Fairfax, California. Previously, Stephanie was a Marketing Partner & Manager at Justuno and also held positions at Volusion, The Purdue Exponent. Stephanie received a Academic Honors Diploma degree from South Newton Jr-Sr High School and a Bachelor of Science from Purdu... e University.Read More

Where is Stephanie Carcamo based?
Stephanie Carcamo works for Justuno, located at United States
See more information about Stephanie Carcamo

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