2022-present (2 years)
Stephanie Brockman Email & Phone number
Stephanie Brockman Current Workplace
201 E 5th St Ste 900, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202, United States
Phone Number
(513) 852-8200
Number of Employees
Stephanie Brockman Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
7Average duration at a company (years)
2Number of job titles
6About Stephanie Brockman
Stephanie Brockman is an Associate Attorney at Cors & Bassett based in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Previously, Stephanie was a Staff Attorney for Judge Molloy at Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts and also held positions at Lewis Brisbois, Crehan & Thumann, CAS Technologies, Fidelity, AAA.
Stephanie Brockman Current Workplace
Cors & Bassett
Cors & Bassett has a long, rich history that spans many decades. The firm has been a member of the business community since 1929. The name and location may have changed, but the quality and pride of work remains the same. The firm has grown over the years to service a diverse group of industries, individuals and businesses in nearly every legal and counseling capacity. Today the firm has two locations, one in downtown Cincinnati and one in Northern Kentucky, with over thirty attorneys dedicated to clients. Cors & Bassett enjoys it's uniqueness of size; small enough to truly be a team and big enough to offer clients full legal services. Voted One of America's Greatest Places to Work with a Law Degree, the firm strives to cultivate an integrated working environment through many professional and social events. To submit a resume, contact David J. Schmitt, recruiting member.
Stephanie Brockman Work Experience & Education
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Stephanie L. Brockman Cors & Bassett, LLC Trademark Correspondent 201 E. Fifth Street Suite 900 Cincinnati, OH 45202 United States
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Stephanie Brockman
Stephanie Brockman is an Associate Attorney at Cors & Bassett based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Previously, Stephanie was a Staff Attorney for Judge Molloy at Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts and also held positions at Lewis Brisbois, Crehan & Thumann, CAS Technologies, Fidelity, AAA....