
Stanley Huang

Staff LNG Process Engineer at Chevron

Stanley Huang Email & Phone number

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(832) ***-****

Stanley Huang Current Workplace




Phone Number

Number of Employees

Stanley Huang Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Stanley Huang

Stanley Huang is a Staff LNG Process Engineer at Chevron based in San Ramon, California. Previously, Stanley was a Process Engineer at Bechtel and also held positions at Energy Transfer.Explore more

Stanley Huang Current Workplace


2008-present (16 years)

Chevron Corporation, through its subsidiaries, engages in the integrated energy and chemicals operations in the United States and internationally. The company operates in two segments, Upstream and Downstream. The Upstream segment is involved in the exploration, development, production, and transportation of crude oil and natural gas; processing, liquefaction, transportation, and regasification of liquefied natural gas; transportation of crude oil through pipelines; transportation, storage, and marketing of natural gas; and carbon capture and storage, as well as a gas-to-liquids plant. The Downstream segment refines crude oil into petroleum products; markets crude oil, refined products, and lubricants; manufactures and markets renewable fuels, commodity petrochemicals, plastics for industrial uses, and fuel and lubricant additives; and transports crude oil and refined products by pipeline, marine vessel, motor equipment, and rail car. The company was formerly known as ChevronTexaco CorSee more

Stanley Huang Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Process Engineer



Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

LNG Process Advisor

Energy Transfer

Org Chart - Chevron


Staff LNG Process Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Stanley Huang

What company does Stanley Huang work for?
Stanley Huang works for Chevron as Staff LNG Process Engineer
What is Stanley Huang’s role in Chevron?
Stanley Huang’s role in Chevron is Staff LNG Process Engineer
What is Stanley Huang’s email address?
Stanley Huang’s email address is s***@chevron.com
What is Stanley Huang’s business email address?
Stanley Huang’s business email address is s***@chevron.com
What is Stanley Huang’s direct phone number?
Stanley Huang’s direct phone number is (832) ***-****
What is Stanley Huang’s work phone number?
Stanley Huang’s headquarters phone number is (925) 842-1000
What is Stanley Huang’s latest job experience?
Stanley Huang’s latest job experience is Process Engineer at Bechtel
Which industry does Stanley Huang work in?
Stanley Huang works in the industry of Oil & Gas Exploration & Services, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Stanley Huang’s peers at other companies?
Stanley Huang’s peers at other companies are Lily Bai.
Who are Stanley Huang’s colleagues?
Some of Stanley Huang’s colleagues are Kevin VanWinkle, Gregory Chapa, Kevin Autsolief, Dorcas David.
How can I contact Stanley Huang?
Stanley Huang contact details: Email address: s***@chevron.com Phone number: (832) ***-****
Who is Stanley Huang?

Stanley Huang is a Staff LNG Process Engineer at Chevron based in San Ramon, California. Previously, Stanley was a Process Engineer at Bechtel and also held positions at Energy Transfer.... Read More

Where is Stanley Huang based?
Stanley Huang works for Chevron, located at United States
See more information about Stanley Huang

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