Srikaustubh Mandaleeka

Software Engineer at FMTech

Srikaustubh Mandaleeka Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Srikaustubh Mandaleeka Current Workplace





Number of Employees

Srikaustubh Mandaleeka Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Srikaustubh Mandaleeka

Srikaustubh Mandaleeka is a Software Engineer at FMTech based in Milton, Queensland. Previously, Srikaustubh was a Customer Service Agent at Probe Group and also held positions at James Cook University Australia, Brisbane City Council.Explore more

Srikaustubh Mandaleeka Current Workplace


2022-present (3 years)

We are committed to helping businesses manage their facilities and assets with simple and efficient solutions. FMTech is a leading supplier of computerised maintenance management solutions (CMMS) and enterprise asset management (EAM). Our range of asset management products and consultancy services help organisations to effectively track, maintain and report their assets.By listening to and anticipating your needs, we can provide unique solutions that combine our depth of knowledge and experience with a collaborative and enterprising approach. Throughout the last 30 years, our product Pinnacle Asset management System have been implemented by more than 500 organisations in over 5 countries and our breadth and depth of experience spans many markets and industries. If you are interested in learning more about our solutions and services, please contact us on 617 3272 7155 . Servicing Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne & the rest of Australia. Software Solutions, Computerised Maintenance ManagementSee more

Srikaustubh Mandaleeka Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Customer Service Agent

Probe Group


IT Support Specialist

Boss Aus Consulting PTY LTD



Brisbane City Council


Student Mentor

James Cook University Australia


Org Chart - FMTech


Software Engineer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Srikaustubh Mandaleeka

What company does Srikaustubh Mandaleeka work for?
Srikaustubh Mandaleeka works for FMTech as Software Engineer
What is Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s role in FMTech?
Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s role in FMTech is Software Engineer
What is Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s direct phone number?
Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s work phone number?
Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s headquarters phone number is +61 732727155
What is Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s latest job experience?
Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s latest job experience is Customer Service Agent at Probe Group
Which industry does Srikaustubh Mandaleeka work in?
Srikaustubh Mandaleeka works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s peers at other companies?
Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s peers at other companies are Adrian Yap, Sajith Periyal, Sridevi Eruva, Justin Hahn, Kseniya Mullomukhametova.
Who are Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s colleagues?
Some of Srikaustubh Mandaleeka’s colleagues are Nurali Prasla, Sepideh Nasiri.
Who is Srikaustubh Mandaleeka?

Srikaustubh Mandaleeka is a Software Engineer at FMTech based in Milton, Queensland. Previously, Srikaustubh was a Customer Service Agent at Probe Group and also held positions at James Cook University Australia, Brisbane City Council.... Read More

Where is Srikaustubh Mandaleeka based?
Srikaustubh Mandaleeka works for FMTech, located at Australia
See more information about Srikaustubh Mandaleeka

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