Sreenath Arcot

Director, Recruitments & Business Development (US) at Provish Consulting

Sreenath Arcot Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(980) ***-****

Sreenath Arcot Current Workplace


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Sreenath Arcot Work Experience Summary

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Average duration at a company (years)


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About Sreenath Arcot

Sreenath Arcot is a Director, Recruitments & Business Development (US) at Provish Consulting based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Sreenath received a Bachelor of Science degree from Osmania University.Explore more

Sreenath Arcot Current Workplace

Provish Consulting

2017-present (8 years)

We are a professional services organization focusing on all Information Management areas like Analytics, Big Data Management, Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence. We bring together people, vision, technologies and beyond all, rich experience to provide best of breed solutions and services. All growing organizations face the overwhelming tasks of identifying, transforming, organizing and leveraging information assets within their enterprise or across the industry they are in. We, at Provish, realize the challenges and efforts required for this. Besides understanding the technologies required to make this happen, we understand the business drivers and values derived from this solutions. With our deep expertise, we provide our clients with the solutions which help them making smarter and relevant decisions. Our team excel in all facets of information management areas. Combining conceptual knowledge and methodology in these areas with strong experience to architect and implement infSee more

Sreenath Arcot Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles



Bachelor of Science

Osmania University

Org Chart - Provish Consulting


Director, Recruitments & Business D...




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sreenath Arcot

What company does Sreenath Arcot work for?
Sreenath Arcot works for Provish Consulting as Director, Recruitments & Business Development (US)
What is Sreenath Arcot’s role in Provish Consulting?
Sreenath Arcot’s role in Provish Consulting is Director, Recruitments & Business Development (US)
What is Sreenath Arcot’s direct phone number?
Sreenath Arcot’s direct phone number is (980) ***-****
What is Sreenath Arcot’s work phone number?
Sreenath Arcot’s headquarters phone number is (980) 297-4855
What is Sreenath Arcot’s latest education?
Sreenath Arcot’s latest education in Bachelor of Science at Osmania University
Which industry does Sreenath Arcot work in?
Sreenath Arcot works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Sreenath Arcot’s colleagues?
Some of Sreenath Arcot’s colleagues are Rupal Kalaria.
Who is Sreenath Arcot?

Sreenath Arcot is a Director, Recruitments & Business Development (US) at Provish Consulting based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Sreenath received a Bachelor of Science degree from Osmania University.... Read More

Where is Sreenath Arcot based?
Sreenath Arcot works for Provish Consulting, located at United States
See more information about Sreenath Arcot

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