Sreejith Krishnankutty

Business Development Manager at MEHAN

Sreejith Krishnankutty Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

Sreejith Krishnankutty Current Workplace





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Sreejith Krishnankutty Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


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About Sreejith Krishnankutty

Sreejith Krishnankutty is a Business Development Manager at MEHAN based in Dammam, Eastern Province. Previously, Sreejith was a Sales Manager at Cadila Pharmaceuticals.Explore more

Sreejith Krishnankutty Current Workplace


2023-present (2 years)

Our aim is to serve our clients in the manner they wish to be served: Promptly, efficiently and most important cost effectively. e are without a doubt, different from other manpower providers in the way we ensure the 3 parties involved (Client, Worker and MEHAN ) are respected and their rights are fully protected. Our approach is highly beneficial where it allows you to concentrate on your core business where another entity takes care of your needs of manpower and without worrying about governmental, legal and workers contractual and personal requirements. ecause we know market needs and trends, we provide different solutions to meet different and special needs such as: long or short term, providing workman with all, partial logistical needs i.e. accommodation, transportation or cost plus approach etc. Latest News

Sreejith Krishnankutty Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Supervisor, Sales & Marketing



Sales Manager

Cadila Pharmaceuticals


Org Chart - MEHAN


Business Development Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sreejith Krishnankutty

What company does Sreejith Krishnankutty work for?
Sreejith Krishnankutty works for MEHAN as Business Development Manager
What is Sreejith Krishnankutty’s role in MEHAN?
Sreejith Krishnankutty’s role in MEHAN is Business Development Manager
What is Sreejith Krishnankutty’s direct phone number?
Sreejith Krishnankutty’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sreejith Krishnankutty’s work phone number?
Sreejith Krishnankutty’s headquarters phone number is +966 530030450
What is Sreejith Krishnankutty’s latest job experience?
Sreejith Krishnankutty’s latest job experience is Supervisor, Sales & Marketing at mehanKSA
Which industry does Sreejith Krishnankutty work in?
Sreejith Krishnankutty works in the industry of Facilities Management & Commercial Cleaning, Business Services.
Who are Sreejith Krishnankutty’s peers at other companies?
Sreejith Krishnankutty’s peers at other companies are Erin De Yager, Liz Miller, Felix DeJesus, Kathy Heidelmaier, Alex Bennett.
Who are Sreejith Krishnankutty’s colleagues?
Some of Sreejith Krishnankutty’s colleagues are Syed Faqrudeen, Zeeshan Faisal, Abdul Zaheer, Mohammed Alqasham.
Who is Sreejith Krishnankutty?

Sreejith Krishnankutty is a Business Development Manager at MEHAN based in Dammam, Eastern Province. Previously, Sreejith was a Sales Manager at Cadila Pharmaceuticals.... Read More

Where is Sreejith Krishnankutty based?
Sreejith Krishnankutty works for MEHAN, located at Saudi Arabia
See more information about Sreejith Krishnankutty

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