Sophie Davis

Clinical Coordinator at Cullman Clinical Trials

Sophie Davis Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Sophie Davis Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Sophie Davis Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Sophie Davis

Sophie Davis is a Clinical Coordinator at Cullman Clinical Trials based in Cullman, Alabama. Previously, Sophie was an Operations Assistant at Ascent Buildings.

Sophie Davis Current Workplace

Cullman Clinical Trials

2022-present (2 years)

Cullman Clinical Trials focuses on two areas of clinical research studies: Primary Care and Multi-Specialties. We dedicate our time and resources to advance these fields and to produce life-changing, high-quality results that can benefit the community in Alabama and beyond.

Sophie Davis Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Operations Assistant

Ascent Buildings


Org Chart - Cullman Clinical Trials

Sophie Davis

Clinical Coordinator

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sophie Davis

What company does Sophie Davis work for?
Sophie Davis works for Cullman Clinical Trials as Clinical Coordinator
What is Sophie Davis’s role in Cullman Clinical Trials?
Sophie Davis’s role in Cullman Clinical Trials is Clinical Coordinator
What is Sophie Davis’s email address?
Sophie Davis’s email address is s***@cullmanclinicaltrials.com
What is Sophie Davis’s business email address?
Sophie Davis’s business email address is s***@cullmanclinicaltrials.com
What is Sophie Davis’s direct phone number?
Sophie Davis’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sophie Davis’s work phone number?
Sophie Davis’s headquarters phone number is (256) 708-2826
What is Sophie Davis’s latest job experience?
Sophie Davis’s latest job experience is Operations Assistant at Ascent Buildings
Which industry does Sophie Davis work in?
Sophie Davis works in the industry of Medical Testing & Clinical Laboratories, Healthcare.
Who are Sophie Davis’s peers at other companies?
Sophie Davis’s peers at other companies are Kamika Dash, Amanda Walker, Sallie Green, Lauryn Shearer, Sondra Wright.
Who are Sophie Davis’s colleagues?
Some of Sophie Davis’s colleagues are Nancy Wideman, Jaime Akridge, Cheryl Hargrove, Kristen Brady.
How can I contact Sophie Davis?
Sophie Davis contact details: Email address: s***@cullmanclinicaltrials.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Sophie Davis?

Sophie Davis is a Clinical Coordinator at Cullman Clinical Trials based in Cullman, Alabama. Previously, Sophie was an Operations Assistant at Ascent Buildings....

Where is Sophie Davis based?
Sophie Davis works for Cullman Clinical Trials, located at United States