
Sonny Jimeno

Senior Logistics Officer at Primer Group of Companies

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About Sonny Jimeno

Sonny Jimeno is a Senior Logistics Officer at Primer Group of Companies based in Malate, Bicol.Explore more

Sonny Jimeno Current Workplace

Primer Group of Companies

2017-present (8 years)

The Primer Group of Companies is a consortium mainly engaged in the retail and distribution of the world's top consumer brands and products. We are also proud to have expanded our business portfolio in the area of industrial products and services through the production and distribution of chemical printing products, retail and maintenance of ACMV and HVAC units with after-sales services and creative graphic design and services. Most recently, the company also opened its first professional retail and merchandising academy. The Primer Group's network of companies is multiplying in a pace never achieved before. The company is now realizing its vision to become the LEADER in the global distribution and innovation of premium goods and services across the Asian region. After 25 years of continuous and steady growth, its retail authority has grown to over 80 premium brands, 100 free-standing concept stores and over 600 consignment doors in the Asian region. The company is set to reach greaterSee more

Org Chart - Primer Group of Companies


Senior Logistics Officer




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sonny Jimeno

What company does Sonny Jimeno work for?
Sonny Jimeno works for Primer Group of Companies as Senior Logistics Officer
What is Sonny Jimeno’s role in Primer Group of Companies?
Sonny Jimeno’s role in Primer Group of Companies is Senior Logistics Officer
What is Sonny Jimeno’s email address?
Sonny Jimeno’s email address is s***@primergrp.com
What is Sonny Jimeno’s business email address?
Sonny Jimeno’s business email address is s***@primergrp.com
What is Sonny Jimeno’s direct phone number?
Sonny Jimeno’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sonny Jimeno’s work phone number?
Sonny Jimeno’s headquarters phone number is +63 23031234
Which industry does Sonny Jimeno work in?
Sonny Jimeno works in the industry of Grocery Retail, Retail.
Who are Sonny Jimeno’s peers at other companies?
Sonny Jimeno’s peers at other companies are Ibrahim Aliyu-Bawan'allah, Hanna Borbara, Taha Aljubah, Dalal Adel, Sachiko Karasawa.
Who are Sonny Jimeno’s colleagues?
Some of Sonny Jimeno’s colleagues are Joyce De Ocampo, Jonna Valiente, Kristina Maunahan, Dino Gilladoga.
How can I contact Sonny Jimeno?
Sonny Jimeno contact details: Email address: s***@primergrp.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Sonny Jimeno?

Sonny Jimeno is a Senior Logistics Officer at Primer Group of Companies based in Malate, Bicol.... Read More

Where is Sonny Jimeno based?
Sonny Jimeno works for Primer Group of Companies, located at Philippines
See more information about Sonny Jimeno

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