2014-present (11 years)
Soma Chakraborty Email & Phone number
Soma Chakraborty Current Workplace
3100 Hansen Way 4A, Palo Alto, California, 94304, United States
Phone Number
(650) 493-4000
Number of Employees
Soma Chakraborty Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
3Number of job titles
2About Soma Chakraborty
Soma Chakraborty is a Senior Programmer Analyst at Varian Medical Systems based in Palo Alto, California.
Previously, Soma was a Software Engineer at Matrix Processing House and also held positions at General Motors.
Soma Chakraborty Current Workplace
Varian Medical Systems
Founded in 1959 and headquartered in Switzerland, Varian Medical Systems is a manufacturer of medical devices and software for the treatment of cancer and other medical conditions, utilizing radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy, and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics software for managing comprehensive cancer clinics, radiotherapy centers, and medical oncology practices.
Soma Chakraborty Work Experience & Education
Number of companies worked for
3Number of job titles
2Work Experience
Software Engineer
Matrix Processing HouseSoftware Engineer
General MotorsRecent News About Soma Chakraborty
Matrix Processing House
Ms. Soma Chakraborty - (Head- HR) - HR Professional with over 7 years of experience in HR Management .
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Soma Chakraborty
Soma Chakraborty is a Senior Programmer Analyst at Varian Medical Systems based in Palo Alto, California. Previously, Soma was a Software Engineer at Matrix Processing House and also held positions at General Motors....