
Soma Chakraborty

Senior Programmer Analyst at Varian Medical Systems

Soma Chakraborty Email & Phone number


(650) ***-****

Soma Chakraborty Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Soma Chakraborty Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Soma Chakraborty

Soma Chakraborty is a Senior Programmer Analyst at Varian Medical Systems based in Palo Alto, California. Previously, Soma was a Software Engineer at Matrix Processing House and also held positions at General Motors.

Soma Chakraborty Current Workplace

Varian Medical Systems

2014-present (11 years)

Founded in 1959 and headquartered in Switzerland, Varian Medical Systems is a manufacturer of medical devices and software for the treatment of cancer and other medical conditions, utilizing radiotherapy, radiosurgery, proton therapy, and brachytherapy. The company supplies informatics software for managing comprehensive cancer clinics, radiotherapy centers, and medical oncology practices.

Soma Chakraborty Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Software Engineer

Matrix Processing House

Software Engineer

General Motors

Org Chart - Varian Medical Systems

Soma Chakraborty

Senior Programmer Analyst

Recent News About Soma Chakraborty

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Soma Chakraborty

What company does Soma Chakraborty work for?
Soma Chakraborty works for Varian Medical Systems as Senior Programmer Analyst
What is Soma Chakraborty’s role in Varian Medical Systems?
Soma Chakraborty’s role in Varian Medical Systems is Senior Programmer Analyst
What is Soma Chakraborty’s email address?
Soma Chakraborty’s email address is s***@varian.com
What is Soma Chakraborty’s business email address?
Soma Chakraborty’s business email address is s***@varian.com
What is Soma Chakraborty’s direct phone number?
Soma Chakraborty’s direct phone number is (650) ***-****
What is Soma Chakraborty’s work phone number?
Soma Chakraborty’s headquarters phone number is (650) 493-4000
What is Soma Chakraborty’s latest job experience?
Soma Chakraborty’s latest job experience is Software Engineer at Matrix Processing House
Which industry does Soma Chakraborty work in?
Soma Chakraborty works in the industry of Medical Devices & Equipment, Manufacturing.
Who are Soma Chakraborty’s peers at other companies?
Soma Chakraborty’s peers at other companies are Johnny Acevedo, Kevin Insigne, Tanaya Clinger, Michael Greene, Eric Rossing.
Who are Soma Chakraborty’s colleagues?
Some of Soma Chakraborty’s colleagues are Dion Sabalvaro, John Heteren, Glenn Reyes, Lin Zhang.
How can I contact Soma Chakraborty?
Soma Chakraborty contact details: Email address: s***@varian.com Phone number: (650) ***-****
Who is Soma Chakraborty?

Soma Chakraborty is a Senior Programmer Analyst at Varian Medical Systems based in Palo Alto, California. Previously, Soma was a Software Engineer at Matrix Processing House and also held positions at General Motors....

Where is Soma Chakraborty based?
Soma Chakraborty works for Varian Medical Systems, located at United States