Sofiane Benaziz

Procurement Specialist at Lours for Oil and Gas Services

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(***) ***-****

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About Sofiane Benaziz

Sofiane Benaziz works as a Procurement Specialist at Lours for Oil and Gas Services, which is an Energy, Utilities & Waste company with an estimated 11 employees. They are part of Finance Department and their management level is Non-Manager. Sofiane is currently based in Algeria. Found email listings include: @lourscorp.com.Explore more

Sofiane Benaziz Current Workplace

Lours for Oil and Gas Services

2023-present (1 year)

L'OURS FOR OIL & GAS SERVICES was founded in 2021 in Algeria. L'OURS FOR OIL & GAS SERVICES is a National independent oilfield service company focused on local markets. L'OURS FOR OIL & GAS SERVICES is looking at rapidly expanding in the range of the services we provide and the markets we serve. The company is starting modestly with two sets each of; Well Testing Services, Slickline Services, Multiphase Flow Meter, and Coiled Tubing & Pumping Services with a clear objective: to become an outstanding oilfield services company serving the entire North Africa region (NA). L'OURS FOR OIL & GAS SERVICES recognizes that the key to achieving this ambitious goal is by attracting top-quality industry experts across functions and at all organizational levels to establish a culture of superior service quality and client focus from day one. L`OURS FOR OIL & GAS SERVICES is the First Local Algerian provider of a range of oilfield services from Well Testing/ Coiled tubing to Integrated Oilfield ServSee more

Org Chart - Lours for Oil and Gas Services


Procurement Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sofiane Benaziz

What company does Sofiane Benaziz work for?
Sofiane Benaziz works for Lours for Oil and Gas Services as Procurement Specialist
What is Sofiane Benaziz’s role in Lours for Oil and Gas Services?
Sofiane Benaziz’s role in Lours for Oil and Gas Services is Procurement Specialist
What is Sofiane Benaziz’s email address?
Sofiane Benaziz’s email address is s***@lourscorp.com
What is Sofiane Benaziz’s business email address?
Sofiane Benaziz’s business email address is s***@lourscorp.com
What is Sofiane Benaziz’s direct phone number?
Sofiane Benaziz’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sofiane Benaziz’s work phone number?
Sofiane Benaziz’s headquarters phone number is +213 660697298
Which industry does Sofiane Benaziz work in?
Sofiane Benaziz works in the industry of Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment General, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment.
Who are Sofiane Benaziz’s peers at other companies?
Sofiane Benaziz’s peers at other companies are Ahmed Felfel, Yuki Hendra, Leanne Teasdale, Heather Bezanson, Hulya Sabirzade.
Who are Sofiane Benaziz’s colleagues?
Some of Sofiane Benaziz’s colleagues are Abdelkader Djebari, Raouf Zaoui, Oudjana Nacer, Bendouda Adel.
How can I contact Sofiane Benaziz?
Sofiane Benaziz contact details: Email address: s***@lourscorp.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Where is Sofiane Benaziz based?
Sofiane Benaziz works for Lours for Oil and Gas Services, located at Algeria
See more information about Sofiane Benaziz

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