Sofia Giussani

Chief Marketing Officer, Fractional at CMOx

Sofia Giussani Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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Phone Number

Number of Employees

Sofia Giussani Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Sofia Giussani

Sofia Giussani is a Chief Marketing Officer, Fractional at CMOx based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Previously, Sofia was a Board Advisor at Linear Dimensions and also held positions at BHFO, AVERR AGLOW, Richemont, Adrenaline Experiences, THE ASSOCIATE LAW FIRM LIMITED.Explore more

Sofia Giussani Current Workplace


2024-present (9 months)

CMO Exponential specializes in providing fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) services to businesses seeking to accelerate growth without the financial burden of a full-time executive. Their process-driven marketing experts offer strategic leadership and management for marketing departments, focusing on tailored marketing solutions based on each client's unique needs. The company's services cater primarily to mid-sized businesses and private equity firms, providing the expertise necessary to navigate marketing challenges effectively. CMO Exponential positions itself as a cost-effective alternative to traditional marketing agencies, delivering executive-level insights and strategic planning.

Sofia Giussani Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Director, Digital Marketing & eCommerce



Head of Digital Marketing & eCommerce



Senior Manager, Marketing, Digital, eCommerce & CRM



Senior Manager, Marketing Key Accounts (APAC, South America & USA)

Alquemie is a Traveller Made DMC partner


Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Advisor

Linear Dimensions


Org Chart - CMOx

Chief Marketing Officer, Fractional





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sofia Giussani

What company does Sofia Giussani work for?
Sofia Giussani works for CMOx as Chief Marketing Officer, Fractional
What is Sofia Giussani’s role in CMOx?
Sofia Giussani’s role in CMOx is Chief Marketing Officer, Fractional
What is Sofia Giussani’s direct phone number?
Sofia Giussani’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sofia Giussani’s work phone number?
Sofia Giussani’s headquarters phone number is (219) 804-0797
What is Sofia Giussani’s latest job experience?
Sofia Giussani’s latest job experience is Senior Director, Digital Marketing & eCommerce at BHFO
Which industry does Sofia Giussani work in?
Sofia Giussani works in the industry of Internet Service Providers, Website Hosting & Internet-related Services, Telecommunications.
Who are Sofia Giussani’s peers at other companies?
Sofia Giussani’s peers at other companies are Aimee Montgomery, Joel Crampton, Daria Bakai, Kevin Flores, Ken Dobell.
Who are Sofia Giussani’s colleagues?
Some of Sofia Giussani’s colleagues are Versha Plainfield, Christina Richards, Shannon Bedinger, Bill Kerschbaum.
Who is Sofia Giussani?

Sofia Giussani is a Chief Marketing Officer, Fractional at CMOx based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Previously, Sofia was a Board Advisor at Linear Dimensions and also held positions at BHFO, AVERR AGLOW, Richemont, Adrenaline Experiences, THE ASSOCIATE LAW FIRM LIMITED.... Read More

Where is Sofia Giussani based?
Sofia Giussani works for CMOx, located at United States
Who is CMOx’s Chief Marketing Officer, Fractional?
CMOx's Chief Marketing Officer, Fractional is Sofia Giussani
See more information about Sofia Giussani

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