Smentha Kumar

Sales Associate at Nehlia Realtors

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Smentha Kumar Current Workplace



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Smentha Kumar Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Smentha Kumar

Smentha Kumar is a Sales Associate at Nehlia Realtors based in Gurgaon South City Ii, Haryana. Previously, Smentha was a Relationship Manager at Seven Square Investment.Explore more

Smentha Kumar Current Workplace

Nehlia Realtors

2024-present (6 months)

Gurgaon Property specializes in offering a diverse range of residential, commercial, and affordable properties in Gurgaon. Their portfolio includes luxury apartments, affordable housing, and commercial spaces tailored to meet varying client needs. The company focuses on projects located near key areas such as Dwarka Expressway and Golf Course Extension Road, ensuring excellent connectivity and access to essential amenities. They cater to a broad audience, including homeowners, investors, and businesses seeking real estate opportunities in the region.

Smentha Kumar Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Relationship Manager

Seven Square Investment


Org Chart - Nehlia Realtors


Sales Associate




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Smentha Kumar

What company does Smentha Kumar work for?
Smentha Kumar works for Nehlia Realtors as Sales Associate
What is Smentha Kumar’s role in Nehlia Realtors?
Smentha Kumar’s role in Nehlia Realtors is Sales Associate
What is Smentha Kumar’s direct phone number?
Smentha Kumar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Smentha Kumar’s work phone number?
Smentha Kumar’s headquarters phone number is +91 8882148637
What is Smentha Kumar’s latest job experience?
Smentha Kumar’s latest job experience is Relationship Manager at Seven Square Investment
Which industry does Smentha Kumar work in?
Smentha Kumar works in the industry of Real Estate.
Who are Smentha Kumar’s peers at other companies?
Smentha Kumar’s peers at other companies are Melody Barousse, Fernanda Moreno, Andrew Suh, Bronwyn Bekiaris, Rene Mahfood.
Who are Smentha Kumar’s colleagues?
Some of Smentha Kumar’s colleagues are VShalini Dhaka, Arjun Gairathi, Shivani Gothwal, Lokesh Yadav.
Who is Smentha Kumar?

Smentha Kumar is a Sales Associate at Nehlia Realtors based in Gurgaon South City Ii, Haryana. Previously, Smentha was a Relationship Manager at Seven Square Investment.... Read More

Where is Smentha Kumar based?
Smentha Kumar works for Nehlia Realtors, located at India
See more information about Smentha Kumar

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