
Sithembile Zikode

Grants Management Specialist at Africa Health Research Institute

Sithembile Zikode Email & Phone number

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+27 ** *** ****

Sithembile Zikode Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Sithembile Zikode Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Sithembile Zikode

Sithembile Zikode is a Grants Management Specialist at Africa Health Research Institute based in Mtubatuba. Previously, Sithembile was a Grants Finance Officer at Africa Health Research Institute and also held positions at World Vision, uShaka Marine World, Edgars.Explore more

Sithembile Zikode Current Workplace

Africa Health Research Institute

2024-present (8 months)

The KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for TB-HIV and Africa Centre for Population Health have joined to form an exciting new interdisciplinary research institute, the Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI). We do cutting-edge research that ranges from lab bench to population, applying the latest scientific innovations in the heart of the HIV and tuberculosis co-epidemic. Our aim is to become a source of fundamental discoveries into the susceptibility, transmission and cure of HIV and TB and related diseases, seeking always to improve diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Another of our major missions is training the next generation of outstanding African scientists.

Sithembile Zikode Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Grants Finance Officer

Africa Health Research Institute


Finance Grants Officer

Africa Health Research Institute


Financial Accountant

uShaka Marine World


Grants Accountant

World Vision


Org Chart - Africa Health Research Institute


Grants Management Specialist




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sithembile Zikode

What company does Sithembile Zikode work for?
Sithembile Zikode works for Africa Health Research Institute as Grants Management Specialist
What is Sithembile Zikode’s role in Africa Health Research Institute?
Sithembile Zikode’s role in Africa Health Research Institute is Grants Management Specialist
What is Sithembile Zikode’s email address?
Sithembile Zikode’s email address is s***@ahri.org
What is Sithembile Zikode’s business email address?
Sithembile Zikode’s business email address is s***@ahri.org
What is Sithembile Zikode’s direct phone number?
Sithembile Zikode’s direct phone number is +27 ** *** ****
What is Sithembile Zikode’s work phone number?
Sithembile Zikode’s headquarters phone number is +27 312604991
What is Sithembile Zikode’s latest job experience?
Sithembile Zikode’s latest job experience is Grants Finance Officer at Africa Health Research Institute
Which industry does Sithembile Zikode work in?
Sithembile Zikode works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Sithembile Zikode’s peers at other companies?
Sithembile Zikode’s peers at other companies are Candice Llewellyn, Joseph Scarola, Karla Pinson, India Chance, Katrina Jones.
Who are Sithembile Zikode’s colleagues?
Some of Sithembile Zikode’s colleagues are Lindi Madziwa, Nompumelelo Nyawo, Ntokozo Zitha, Thando Mchunu.
How can I contact Sithembile Zikode?
Sithembile Zikode contact details: Email address: s***@ahri.org Phone number: +27 ** *** ****
Who is Sithembile Zikode?

Sithembile Zikode is a Grants Management Specialist at Africa Health Research Institute based in Mtubatuba. Previously, Sithembile was a Grants Finance Officer at Africa Health Research Institute and also held positions at World Vision, uShaka Marine World, Edgars.... Read More

Where is Sithembile Zikode based?
Sithembile Zikode works for Africa Health Research Institute, located at South Africa
See more information about Sithembile Zikode

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