
Siomara Cruz

Officer at City of San Bernardino

Siomara Cruz Email & Phone number


(909) ***-****

Siomara Cruz Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Siomara Cruz

Siomara Cruz is an Officer at City of San Bernardino based in San Bernardino, California.

Siomara Cruz Current Workplace

City of San Bernardino

2022-present (3 years)

John Valdivia is committed to neighborhood values, and grew up in San Bernardino. John attended schools from K-12 in San Bernardino, and, with the exception of his college days in the mid-west, has been a proud resident of San Bernardino. John Valdivia is immensely proud of San Bernardino, and, has inspired others to exhibit their civic pride in San Bernardino in their involvement to restore its greatness. John is committed to his local community and serves his community at large, and neighborhood, by volunteering in civic organizations, and has been appointed to various commissions by the San Bernardino City Council prior to him serving on the city council. John is an avid reader and has a personal collection of more than 1,000 books in his library. John's commitment to education and personal enrichment is evident in attending college and earning a Bachelor of Arts -Evangel University in Springfield, MO; later studying for the M.Div. at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, CA. Known for John'See more

Org Chart - City of San Bernardino

Siomara Cruz


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Siomara Cruz

What company does Siomara Cruz work for?
Siomara Cruz works for City of San Bernardino as Officer
What is Siomara Cruz’s role in City of San Bernardino?
Siomara Cruz’s role in City of San Bernardino is Officer
What is Siomara Cruz’s email address?
Siomara Cruz’s email address is c***@sbcity.org
What is Siomara Cruz’s business email address?
Siomara Cruz’s business email address is c***@sbcity.org
What is Siomara Cruz’s direct phone number?
Siomara Cruz’s direct phone number is (909) ***-****
What is Siomara Cruz’s work phone number?
Siomara Cruz’s headquarters phone number is (909) 384-7272
Which industry does Siomara Cruz work in?
Siomara Cruz works in the industry of Libraries, Cultural.
Who are Siomara Cruz’s peers at other companies?
Siomara Cruz’s peers at other companies are Daniel Butler, Tim Aycock, Jason Pudvah, Jeremy Rechkemmer, Mathew Newton.
Who are Siomara Cruz’s colleagues?
Some of Siomara Cruz’s colleagues are Fred Shorett, Korey Molson, Juan Figueroa, John Valdivia.
How can I contact Siomara Cruz?
Siomara Cruz contact details: Email address: c***@sbcity.org Phone number: (909) ***-****
Who is Siomara Cruz?

Siomara Cruz is an Officer at City of San Bernardino based in San Bernardino, California....

Where is Siomara Cruz based?
Siomara Cruz works for City of San Bernardino, located at United States