Simranprit Kaur

Pharmacy Assistant at Wescana Pharmacy

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About Simranprit Kaur

Simranprit Kaur is a Pharmacy Assistant at Wescana Pharmacy based in Vancouver, British Columbia.Explore more

Simranprit Kaur Current Workplace

Shafik, Zahir and Sherali Rajani created a family business, now well-established with deep roots in the community. After 34 years, Wescana's name is synonymous with client commitment, quality care and good health. Through this perseverance, dedication and commitment, patients have come to rely on our comprehensive pharmacy services. Wescana's first location was in Vancouver. Over time, Wescana expanded to Surrey to better meet the needs of an underserved area where many patients were not fluent in English. Now with eight locations in the Lower Mainland, services are available in Hindi, Punjabi, Urdu, Gujarati, Farsi, Mandarin, Spanish, German, Swahili and Cantonese. Multilingual staff engage with recent immigrant populations and help connect even more patients to quality care. Wescana recognized the immigrant population from South Asia faces many major health issues and in many cases didn't have access to medical care before immigration. Other challenges include: lifestyle, diet, languSee more

Org Chart - Wescana Pharmacy


Pharmacy Assistant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Simranprit Kaur

What company does Simranprit Kaur work for?
Simranprit Kaur works for Wescana Pharmacy as Pharmacy Assistant
What is Simranprit Kaur’s role in Wescana Pharmacy?
Simranprit Kaur’s role in Wescana Pharmacy is Pharmacy Assistant
What is Simranprit Kaur’s direct phone number?
Simranprit Kaur’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Simranprit Kaur’s work phone number?
Simranprit Kaur’s headquarters phone number is (604) 324-6734
Which industry does Simranprit Kaur work in?
Simranprit Kaur works in the industry of Drug Stores & Pharmacies, Retail.
Who are Simranprit Kaur’s peers at other companies?
Simranprit Kaur’s peers at other companies are Gary Rose, Renato Ferrer, Jade Cruz, Jennifer Garcia, Priti Lodhia.
Who are Simranprit Kaur’s colleagues?
Some of Simranprit Kaur’s colleagues are Imran Rajani, Zahir Rajani, Mansour Djavanmardi, Sandeep Bains.
Who is Simranprit Kaur?

Simranprit Kaur is a Pharmacy Assistant at Wescana Pharmacy based in Vancouver, British Columbia.... Read More

Where is Simranprit Kaur based?
Simranprit Kaur works for Wescana Pharmacy, located at Canada
See more information about Simranprit Kaur

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