
Shyam Omar

Business Owner at TVS

Shyam Omar Email & Phone number

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(***) ***-****

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About Shyam Omar

Shyam Omar, a business owner at TVS, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kanpur University, India. They are responsible for overseeing the company's operations and strategic decision-making, leveraging their expertise to drive the organization's success.Explore more

Shyam Omar Current Workplace


2010-present (14 years)

TVS Motor Company, headquartered Tamil Nadu, India was founded in 1979, is a reputed two and three-wheeler manufacturer and is the flagship company of the TVS Group. We believe in Championing Progress through Mobility. We endeavour to deliver the most superior customer experience at all our touch points across multiple countries. We are the only two-wheeler company to have received the prestigious Deming Prize. Our products lead in their respective categories in the J.D. Power IQS and APEAL surveys for five years. We have been ranked No. 1 Company in the J.D. Power Customer Service Satisfaction Survey for consecutive four years.

Org Chart - TVS


Business Owner




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shyam Omar

What company does Shyam Omar work for?
Shyam Omar works for TVS as Business Owner
What is Shyam Omar’s role in TVS?
Shyam Omar’s role in TVS is Business Owner
What is Shyam Omar’s email address?
Shyam Omar’s email address is o***@tvsmotor.com
What is Shyam Omar’s business email address?
Shyam Omar’s business email address is o***@tvsmotor.com
What is Shyam Omar’s direct phone number?
Shyam Omar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Shyam Omar’s work phone number?
Shyam Omar’s headquarters phone number is +91 4428332115
Which industry does Shyam Omar work in?
Shyam Omar works in the industry of Motor Vehicle Parts, Manufacturing.
Who are Shyam Omar’s peers at other companies?
Shyam Omar’s peers at other companies are Eric Engelbrecht, Jordan Schudmak, Somsak Boonpitakul, Aregawi Gebregziabher, Fahad Al Hadi.
Who are Shyam Omar’s colleagues?
Some of Shyam Omar’s colleagues are Aniruddha Haldar, Raghavi Gn, Madhaiyan Panneerselvam, Balaganesh Selvarajan.
How can I contact Shyam Omar?
Shyam Omar contact details: Email address: o***@tvsmotor.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Shyam Omar?

Shyam Omar, a business owner at TVS, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kanpur University, India. They are responsible for overseeing the company's operations and strategic decision-making, leveraging their expertise to drive the organization's success.... Read More

Where is Shyam Omar based?
Shyam Omar works for TVS, located at India
See more information about Shyam Omar

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