Shyam Kalavar

Biologist at U.S. Food & Drug Administration

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Shyam Kalavar Current Workplace



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Shyam Kalavar Work Experience Summary

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About Shyam Kalavar

Shyam Kalavar is a Biologist at U.S. Food & Drug Administration based in Silver Spring, Maryland. Previously, Shyam was a Board Certified Cytotechnologist at ASCP and also held positions at In Vitro Diagnostic. Shyam received a masters degree degree from George Washington University.Explore more

Shyam Kalavar Current Workplace

U.S. Food & Drug Administration

2010-present (14 years)

Founded in 1906 and headquartered in Silver Spring, MD, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and is responsible for the safety regulation of most types of foods, dietary supplements, drugs, vaccines, biological medical products, blood products, medical devices, radiation-emitting devices, veterinary products, and cosmetics. The FDA also enforces section 361 of the Public Health Service Act and the associated regulations, including sanitation requirements on interstate travel as well as specific rules for control of disease on products ranging from pet turtles to semen donations for assisted reproductive medicine techniques.

Shyam Kalavar Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


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Work Experience

Work Experience

Board Certified Cytotechnologist


Senior Scientific Reviewer In FDAs Office

In Vitro Diagnostic


masters degree - Public Health

George Washington University

Org Chart - U.S. Food & Drug Administration






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shyam Kalavar

What company does Shyam Kalavar work for?
Shyam Kalavar works for U.S. Food & Drug Administration as Biologist
What is Shyam Kalavar’s role in U.S. Food & Drug Administration?
Shyam Kalavar’s role in U.S. Food & Drug Administration is Biologist
What is Shyam Kalavar’s email address?
Shyam Kalavar’s email address is s***@fda.hhs.gov
What is Shyam Kalavar’s business email address?
Shyam Kalavar’s business email address is s***@fda.hhs.gov
What is Shyam Kalavar’s direct phone number?
Shyam Kalavar’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Shyam Kalavar’s work phone number?
Shyam Kalavar’s headquarters phone number is (888) 463-6332
What is Shyam Kalavar’s latest job experience?
Shyam Kalavar’s latest job experience is Board Certified Cytotechnologist at ASCP
What is Shyam Kalavar’s latest education?
Shyam Kalavar’s latest education in masters degree - Public Health at George Washington University
Which industry does Shyam Kalavar work in?
Shyam Kalavar works in the industry of Government.
Who are Shyam Kalavar’s peers at other companies?
Shyam Kalavar’s peers at other companies are Kathy Cleghorn, Kenneth Breidinger, Abhijit Mukhopadhyay, Teresa Fryer, Dominique Ouellet.
Who are Shyam Kalavar’s colleagues?
Some of Shyam Kalavar’s colleagues are Michael Klapal, Joseph Matrisciano, Kemba Ford, Robyn Barringer.
How can I contact Shyam Kalavar?
Shyam Kalavar contact details: Email address: s***@fda.hhs.gov Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Shyam Kalavar?

Shyam Kalavar is a Biologist at U.S. Food & Drug Administration based in Silver Spring, Maryland. Previously, Shyam was a Board Certified Cytotechnologist at ASCP and also held positions at In Vitro Diagnostic. Shyam received a masters degree degree from George Washington University.... Read More

Where is Shyam Kalavar based?
Shyam Kalavar works for U.S. Food & Drug Administration, located at United States
See more information about Shyam Kalavar

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