Shivani Trivedi

Teacher at Vishisht School Of Management

Shivani Trivedi Email & Phone number

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Shivani Trivedi Current Workplace



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Shivani Trivedi Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Shivani Trivedi

Shivani Trivedi is a Teacher at Vishisht School Of Management based in Indore Pardesipura, Madhya Pradesh. Previously, Shivani was a Doctoral Student at Mica and also held positions at Indian Institute of Management Indore.Explore more

Shivani Trivedi Current Workplace

Vishisht School Of Management

2016-present (9 years)

Since its inception Vishisht School of Management (VSOM) has been working to meet the academic and intellectual aspirations of its students. As you progress through your academic calendar, you will be engaging yourself in creative and research inquiries that blend traditional and interdisciplinary education, and prepare you for the demands of contemporary society. VSOM's vision is to give a new dimension to Management, Commerce, Science and Social Science studies in this part of the globe, and the institution aims to provide an atmosphere conducive to the pursuit of this goal. The faculty at VSOM is recognized for its commitment to teaching and overall development, and the well equipped classrooms and dedicated and accessible teachers have contributed to an intimate and rigorous learning environment. So come, join VSOM, where students and faculty members engage in lively intellectual exchanges, making them partners in the pursuit of knowledge.

Shivani Trivedi Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Doctoral Student



General Duty Assistant

Indian Institute of Management Indore


Org Chart - Vishisht School Of Management






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shivani Trivedi

What company does Shivani Trivedi work for?
Shivani Trivedi works for Vishisht School Of Management as Teacher
What is Shivani Trivedi’s role in Vishisht School Of Management?
Shivani Trivedi’s role in Vishisht School Of Management is Teacher
What is Shivani Trivedi’s email address?
Shivani Trivedi’s email address is s***@vsom.in
What is Shivani Trivedi’s business email address?
Shivani Trivedi’s business email address is s***@vsom.in
What is Shivani Trivedi’s direct phone number?
Shivani Trivedi’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Shivani Trivedi’s work phone number?
Shivani Trivedi’s headquarters phone number is +91 7312423222
What is Shivani Trivedi’s latest job experience?
Shivani Trivedi’s latest job experience is Doctoral Student at Mica
Which industry does Shivani Trivedi work in?
Shivani Trivedi works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Shivani Trivedi’s peers at other companies?
Shivani Trivedi’s peers at other companies are Isabel Blundell, Rachel Simonson, Carlotta Clark, Karen Buchanan, Elizah Bravo.
Who are Shivani Trivedi’s colleagues?
Some of Shivani Trivedi’s colleagues are Robin Neema, Jitendra Thakur, Priyanka Sharma, Yashshree Dubey.
How can I contact Shivani Trivedi?
Shivani Trivedi contact details: Email address: s***@vsom.in Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Shivani Trivedi?

Shivani Trivedi is a Teacher at Vishisht School Of Management based in Indore Pardesipura, Madhya Pradesh. Previously, Shivani was a Doctoral Student at Mica and also held positions at Indian Institute of Management Indore.... Read More

Where is Shivani Trivedi based?
Shivani Trivedi works for Vishisht School Of Management, located at India
See more information about Shivani Trivedi

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