Shibli Muhammad

Director, Platform Security at Baker Hughes

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Shibli Muhammad Email & Phone number

Engage via Phone

(713) ***-****

Shibli Muhammad Current Workplace


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Number of Employees

Shibli Muhammad Work Experience Summary

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Number of job titles


About Shibli Muhammad

Shibli Muhammad is a Director, Platform Security at Baker Hughes based in Houston, Texas. Previously, Shibli was a Cloud Security Program Leader at Baker Hughes and also held positions at FCA Group, BIX Real, OpenText, Military College of Signals - NUST, Higher Education Commission, Ignite, SETECS Mobile Technologies, RISE, Foundation University Islamabad.Explore more

Shibli Muhammad Current Workplace

Baker Hughes

2024-present (10 months)

Baker Hughes Incorporated supplies oilfield services, products, technology, and systems to the oil and natural gas industry worldwide. The company offers drilling and evaluation products and services, which include drill bits for performance drilling, hole enlargement, and coring; conventional and rotary steerable systems used to drill wells; measurement-while-drilling and logging-while-drilling systems to perform reservoir navigation services; drilling optimization services; tools for coil tubing drilling and wellbore re-entry systems; coring drilling systems; surface logging; emulsion and water-based drilling fluids systems; reservoir drill-in fluids; and fluids environmental services. Its drilling and evaluation products and services also comprise wire line services, such as tools for open hole and cased hole well logging to gather data to perform petro physical and geophysical analysis; reservoir evaluation coring; casing perforation; fluid characterization; production logging; welSee more

Shibli Muhammad Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Cloud Security Program Leader

Baker Hughes


Principal Cyber Security Architect

Baker Hughes


Senior Staff Cyber Security Architect

Baker Hughes


Cloud Infrastructure Architect

FCA Group


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shibli Muhammad

What company does Shibli Muhammad work for?
Shibli Muhammad works for Baker Hughes as Director, Platform Security
What is Shibli Muhammad’s role in Baker Hughes?
Shibli Muhammad’s role in Baker Hughes is Director, Platform Security
What is Shibli Muhammad’s email address?
Shibli Muhammad’s email address is m***
What is Shibli Muhammad’s business email address?
Shibli Muhammad’s business email address is m***
What is Shibli Muhammad’s direct phone number?
Shibli Muhammad’s direct phone number is (713) ***-****
What is Shibli Muhammad’s work phone number?
Shibli Muhammad’s headquarters phone number is (713) 439-8600
What is Shibli Muhammad’s latest job experience?
Shibli Muhammad’s latest job experience is Cloud Security Program Leader at Baker Hughes
Which industry does Shibli Muhammad work in?
Shibli Muhammad works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Shibli Muhammad’s peers at other companies?
Shibli Muhammad’s peers at other companies are Wyatt Zochert.
Who are Shibli Muhammad’s colleagues?
Some of Shibli Muhammad’s colleagues are Ronald Kirby, Kevin Riley, Datong Sun, Drew Garthe.
How can I contact Shibli Muhammad?
Shibli Muhammad contact details: Email address: m*** Phone number: (713) ***-****
Who is Shibli Muhammad?

Shibli Muhammad is a Director, Platform Security at Baker Hughes based in Houston, Texas. Previously, Shibli was a Cloud Security Program Leader at Baker Hughes and also held positions at FCA Group, BIX Real, OpenText, Military College of Signals - NUST, Higher Education Commission, Ignite, SETECS Mobile Technologies, RISE, Foundation University I... slamabad.Read More

Where is Shibli Muhammad based?
Shibli Muhammad works for Baker Hughes, located at United States
See more information about Shibli Muhammad

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