2008-present (16 years)
Shelly Misch Email & Phone number
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Shelly Misch Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
4Average duration at a company (years)
7Number of job titles
4About Shelly Misch
Shelly Misch works as a Professional Photographer and Owner at Shelly Misch, which is a Consumer Services company. Their management level is C-Level. Shelly is currently based in Corona, California. They used to work at ams AG and Soff-Cut International. Found email listings include: @scmischphotography.com.
Shelly Misch Current Workplace
Shelly Misch
My name is Shelly Misch I'm a single mom of a miracle boy. Everyone always asks me how I got into photography. I've been an artist since I was 5 yrs old winning awards. I draw,and oil paint and have always loved photography. My first Canon DSLR Canon camera was given to me as a gift in 2007 but I didn't know how to use it and wanted to learn. It wasn't until my son was born fighting for his life in the hospital in 2008 that I actually picked up my camera and tried to figures out how to use. I had no clue what all the buttons did. I then took a ton of pictures in the hospital not knowing what day my 3 lbs baby may be going to Heaven. Cody lived his first 6 months of his life at CHOC's Hospital in the NICU in isolation. I had to put Cody on dialysis for the first 2 years of his life every day, 10hr a day at home until I was able to donate my kidney to my him in 2011.He was only 2yrs. When he was stable I was then blessed to be able to take college classes in digital photography and PhotoSee more
Shelly Misch Work Experience & Education
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