2011-present (14 years)
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1Last Update 1/9/2025 5:50 PM
About Sheldon Ora
Sheldon Ora works as a Social Media Specialist at Bloggingora, which is a Colleges & Universities company. They are part of Marketing Department and their management level is Non-Manager. They used to work at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Found email listings include: s***@bloggingora.com.Explore more
Sheldon Ora Current Workplace
The Office of Research Administration is the sponsored projects administration office under Johns Hopkins University Research Administration (JHURA). JHURA serves Johns Hopkins Universitys Whiting School of Engineering, Carey Business School, School of Education, Peabody Institute, Bloomberg School of Public Health, School of Advanced International Studies, and the Applied Physics Lab. Our office strives to provide top quality support to the Johns Hopkins communitys research, creative activity, technology transfer, and outreach/policy initiatives. In laymans terms, we process the grants and contracts that are procured by the schools faculty, and our blog will discuss the various issues that are encountered in the research administration arena. While many of our entries will reference Hopkins-specific procedures, our intended audience is actually the entire RA community, as we all will face the same problems regarding, say, a glitch in the NIH computer system. Consequently, we hope to fSee more
Sheldon Ora Work Experience & Education
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1Work Experience
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