Sheila Mccormack

Network Operations Chief at U.S. Department of Defense

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(***) ***-****

Sheila Mccormack Current Workplace


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About Sheila Mccormack

Sheila Mccormack is a Network Operations Chief at U.S. Department of Defense based in Washington, District of Columbia.Explore more

Sheila Mccormack Current Workplace

U.S. Department of Defense

2017-present (7 years)

Based in Arlington, Virginia, the Pentagon serves as the symbol of the U.S. military and is one of the worlds largest office buildings, spanning over 6.5 million square feet. In order to streamline network administration, training and support, the Pentagons modernization strategy included consolidating onto a single common platform for wired, wireless and security solutions across all network classification levels. It also sought to gain software-defined networking (SDN) capabilities in a solution that could interoperate with other vendors and systems. In addition, the Pentagon is expanding and updating its wireless network by adding an additional 3,000 Aruba Access Points (APs). Previously, the Pentagon was using legacy Cisco wired switching infrastructure, which had reached end-of-life, across its networks. The Pentagon is replacing its legacy switches with Aruba access switches across all classification levels. When completed, the entire wired deployment will include over 150,000 wiSee more

Org Chart - U.S. Department of Defense


Network Operations Chief




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sheila Mccormack

What company does Sheila Mccormack work for?
Sheila Mccormack works for U.S. Department of Defense as Network Operations Chief
What is Sheila Mccormack’s role in U.S. Department of Defense?
Sheila Mccormack’s role in U.S. Department of Defense is Network Operations Chief
What is Sheila Mccormack’s direct phone number?
Sheila Mccormack’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sheila Mccormack’s work phone number?
Sheila Mccormack’s headquarters phone number is (703) 545-6700
Which industry does Sheila Mccormack work in?
Sheila Mccormack works in the industry of Education General, Education.
Who are Sheila Mccormack’s peers at other companies?
Sheila Mccormack’s peers at other companies are Charles Banach, Nathan Dean, Sean Graham, Joe Greene, Mark Bell.
Who are Sheila Mccormack’s colleagues?
Some of Sheila Mccormack’s colleagues are Shiran Zerach, Sharon Bynum, Althea Baptiste-Owusu, Richard Selmon.
Who is Sheila Mccormack?

Sheila Mccormack is a Network Operations Chief at U.S. Department of Defense based in Washington, District of Columbia.... Read More

Where is Sheila Mccormack based?
Sheila Mccormack works for U.S. Department of Defense, located at United States
See more information about Sheila Mccormack

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