2016-present (8 years)
Shehzad Sami Email & Phone number
Shehzad Sami Current Workplace
16100 Lathrop Ave, Harvey, Illinois, 60426, United States
(708) 339-1610
Number of Employees
Shehzad Sami Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
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5About Shehzad Sami
Shehzad Sami is a Vice President, Finance Electrical at Atkore based in Harvey, Illinois.
Previously, Shehzad was an Assistant Controller at Univar and also held positions at Sims Metal, Diamond Technologies, EY.
Shehzad Sami Current Workplace
Atkore Inc. is a leading manufacturer and distributor of electrical raceway products, mechanical products, and solutions that support infrastructure projects and construction industries. Established in 1959 and headquartered in Harvey, Illinois, Atkore has grown to become a key player in providing essential products and services that ensure the safety, efficiency, and longevity of building systems and infrastructure.
Shehzad Sami Work Experience & Education
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Shehzad Sami is a Vice President, Finance Electrical at Atkore based in Harvey, Illinois. Previously, Shehzad was an Assistant Controller at Univar and also held positions at Sims Metal, Diamond Technologies, EY....