
Shane Dillon

Undergraduate Associate at Amherst College

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(***) ***-****

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Shane Dillon Work Experience Summary

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About Shane Dillon

Shane Dillon is an Undergraduate Associate at Amherst College based in Amherst, Massachusetts. Previously, Shane was a Campign Intern at Neal.Explore more

Shane Dillon Current Workplace

Amherst College

2024-present (1 year)

As one of the most selective liberal arts colleges in the country, Amherst College emphasizes the importance of an open curriculum that encourages critical thinking. The school's high-achieving students can choose from 40 majors and thousands of courses, including those offered through the Five College Consortium: Smith College, Mount Holyoke College, Hampshire College and the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Additionally, more than 40% of students study abroad. Amherst is committed to diversity on all fronts 45% of students are people of color and 57% of students receive financial aid, thanks to the colleges need-blind admissions policy. Housing on this picturesque campus is guaranteed for all four years. Students can participate in over 150 clubs but there is no Greek life. The college has a wildlife sanctuary on campus, and students go to the Book Tree to place poems and love letters inside. The school recently received a $22 million donation for the Emily Dickinson Museum, locaSee more

Shane Dillon Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Vice President

Amherst College Association of Amherst Students


Manager, Campaign

Elect Zaida Govan


Campign Intern




Mayoral Intern


Board Memberships & Affiliations

Board Memberships & Affiliations

Org Chart - Amherst College


Undergraduate Associate




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shane Dillon

What company does Shane Dillon work for?
Shane Dillon works for Amherst College as Undergraduate Associate
What is Shane Dillon’s role in Amherst College?
Shane Dillon’s role in Amherst College is Undergraduate Associate
What is Shane Dillon’s email address?
Shane Dillon’s email address is s***@amherst.edu
What is Shane Dillon’s business email address?
Shane Dillon’s business email address is s***@amherst.edu
What is Shane Dillon’s direct phone number?
Shane Dillon’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Shane Dillon’s work phone number?
Shane Dillon’s headquarters phone number is (413) 542-2000
What is Shane Dillon’s latest job experience?
Shane Dillon’s latest job experience is Vice President at Amherst College Association of Amherst Students
Which industry does Shane Dillon work in?
Shane Dillon works in the industry of Colleges & Universities, Education.
Who are Shane Dillon’s peers at other companies?
Shane Dillon’s peers at other companies are Nicolas Rosy, Hoorain Fatima, Jesse McCormick, Julia Mumper, Imani Mills.
Who are Shane Dillon’s colleagues?
Some of Shane Dillon’s colleagues are Joseph Moore, Christopher Dole, Miriam Goheen, Mark Swanson.
How can I contact Shane Dillon?
Shane Dillon contact details: Email address: s***@amherst.edu Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Shane Dillon?

Shane Dillon is an Undergraduate Associate at Amherst College based in Amherst, Massachusetts. Previously, Shane was a Campign Intern at Neal.... Read More

Where is Shane Dillon based?
Shane Dillon works for Amherst College, located at United States
See more information about Shane Dillon

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