
Shane Billing

Project Manager & Estimator at Area Energy & Electric

Shane Billing Email & Phone number


(937) ***-****

Shane Billing Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

About Shane Billing

Shane Billing is a Project Manager & Estimator at Area Energy & Electric based in Marysville, Ohio.

Shane Billing Current Workplace

Area Energy & Electric

2016-present (8 years)

Area Energy and Electric was established in 1983 in Ohio. The services they provide as electrical contractor are security systems, lighting retrofits, controls and automation. They also provide industrial, commercial, residential, heating and air conditioning and 24-hour repair services.

Org Chart - Area Energy & Electric

Shane Billing

Project Manager & Estimator

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shane Billing

What company does Shane Billing work for?
Shane Billing works for Area Energy & Electric as Project Manager & Estimator
What is Shane Billing’s role in Area Energy & Electric?
Shane Billing’s role in Area Energy & Electric is Project Manager & Estimator
What is Shane Billing’s email address?
Shane Billing’s email address is s***@areaelectric.com
What is Shane Billing’s business email address?
Shane Billing’s business email address is s***@areaelectric.com
What is Shane Billing’s direct phone number?
Shane Billing’s direct phone number is (937) ***-****
What is Shane Billing’s work phone number?
Shane Billing’s headquarters phone number is (740) 223-2700
Which industry does Shane Billing work in?
Shane Billing works in the industry of Commercial & Residential Construction, Construction.
Who are Shane Billing’s peers at other companies?
Shane Billing’s peers at other companies are Corey Partin, Tim Frigon, Ryan Celini, Joshua Croonquist, Roman Delicart.
Who are Shane Billing’s colleagues?
Some of Shane Billing’s colleagues are Thad Mosler, Dean Thobe, Karri Fryman, Nathan Perry.
How can I contact Shane Billing?
Shane Billing contact details: Email address: s***@areaelectric.com Phone number: (937) ***-****
Who is Shane Billing?

Shane Billing is a Project Manager & Estimator at Area Energy & Electric based in Marysville, Ohio....

Where is Shane Billing based?
Shane Billing works for Area Energy & Electric, located at United States