
Shana Rodgers

Assistant Administrator at Southridge Village

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(***) ***-****

Shana Rodgers Current Workplace


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About Shana Rodgers

Shana Rodgers is an Assistant Administrator at Southridge Village based in Heber Springs, Arkansas.Explore more

Shana Rodgers Current Workplace

Southridge Village

2023-present (2 years)

Southridge Village will provide appropriate living options, amenities, services, and health care for early retirees - up to and including skilled nursing care as their health care and/or disability dictates - enabling them to maintain independent, healthy and happy lifestyles in an "aging-in-place" retirement community. Southridge Village is located in Heber Springs, Arkansas (pop. 6,432) just one hour north of Little Rock. By design, Southridge Village encourages social interaction and harmonious living. We have taken an approach that will feature a "village green," tree-lined walking/cart paths, a neighborhood park, and even a "golden pond." The streets of Southridge Village feature rollover curbs and intersect the walking/cart paths throughout the development and parking is plentiful. A professional office complex is under construction with places to have a pharmacy, food court and professional services to enhance the amenities of your community. If interested in leasing office spacSee more

Org Chart - Southridge Village


Assistant Administrator




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shana Rodgers

What company does Shana Rodgers work for?
Shana Rodgers works for Southridge Village as Assistant Administrator
What is Shana Rodgers’s role in Southridge Village?
Shana Rodgers’s role in Southridge Village is Assistant Administrator
What is Shana Rodgers’s email address?
Shana Rodgers’s email address is s***@southridgevillagenursingandrehab.com
What is Shana Rodgers’s business email address?
Shana Rodgers’s business email address is s***@southridgevillagenursingandrehab.com
What is Shana Rodgers’s direct phone number?
Shana Rodgers’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Shana Rodgers’s work phone number?
Shana Rodgers’s headquarters phone number is (501) 362-3185
Which industry does Shana Rodgers work in?
Shana Rodgers works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Shana Rodgers’s peers at other companies?
Shana Rodgers’s peers at other companies are Maha Muzaffar, Minja Balassi, Jeremy Sicherman, Ellen Wade, Jerry Nevins.
Who are Shana Rodgers’s colleagues?
Some of Shana Rodgers’s colleagues are Donya Morrison, Jennifer Thomas, Betty Freppon, Chris Cupples.
How can I contact Shana Rodgers?
Shana Rodgers contact details: Email address: s***@southridgevillagenursingandrehab.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Shana Rodgers?

Shana Rodgers is an Assistant Administrator at Southridge Village based in Heber Springs, Arkansas.... Read More

Where is Shana Rodgers based?
Shana Rodgers works for Southridge Village, located at United States
See more information about Shana Rodgers

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