
Shamonay Clarke

Shamonay Clarke Email & Phone number

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+27 ** *** ****

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About Shamonay Clarke

Shamonay Clarke works at FDE Security, which is a Business Services company with an estimated 15 employees. Shamonay is currently based in Johannesburg, Gauteng. Found email listings include: @fdesecurity.co.za.Explore more

Shamonay Clarke Current Workplace

FDE Security

2024-present (5 months)

FDE Security founded in 2010 situated in Gauteng, recruited amongst the best operators from Elite Forces all over South Africa and Africa. The company recently deployed these members, at commercial industries, farms in the Limpopo Province and has proven a decrease in crime at any given industry. We work hand in hand with all Government Agencies to maximise availability of all resources needed in any situation. FDE Security members have worked on numerous contracts and operations in Iraq (Baghdad) over a period of 7 years since 2004 till 2011. They were mainly involved in the planning of operations and the safe-guarding of clients and valuable assets. A combination of skills was developed in their time in the Middle-East. These skills and experience are being utilised in South-Africa at the moment. All personnel employed are fully trained and comply with PSIRA standards. FDE Security Clients can immediately benefit from this Elite Group, as members were highly trained and served in uniSee more

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shamonay Clarke

What is Shamonay Clarke’s email address?
Shamonay Clarke’s email address is s***@fdesecurity.co.za
What is Shamonay Clarke’s business email address?
Shamonay Clarke’s business email address is s***@fdesecurity.co.za
What is Shamonay Clarke’s direct phone number?
Shamonay Clarke’s direct phone number is +27 ** *** ****
What is Shamonay Clarke’s work phone number?
Shamonay Clarke’s headquarters phone number is +27 731964526
Which industry does Shamonay Clarke work in?
Shamonay Clarke works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Shamonay Clarke’s colleagues?
Some of Shamonay Clarke’s colleagues are Hector Kgonyane, Lee- Ann Baxendell, Tayla Jacobs, Harry Petersen.
How can I contact Shamonay Clarke?
Shamonay Clarke contact details: Email address: s***@fdesecurity.co.za Phone number: +27 ** *** ****
Where is Shamonay Clarke based?
Shamonay Clarke works for FDE Security, located at South Africa
See more information about Shamonay Clarke

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