
Shamik Mitra

Scientific Manager at Excelra

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(***) ***-****

Shamik Mitra Current Workplace




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Shamik Mitra Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


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About Shamik Mitra

Shamik Mitra is a Scientific Manager at Excelra based in Boston, Massachusetts. Previously, Shamik was a Senior Research Scientist at Rakuten India and also held positions at Helex, Siemens Healthineers, Lund University, Lunds universitet, Saarland University, KPC Medical College & Hospital.Explore more

Shamik Mitra Current Workplace


2024-present (2 months)

Excelra's data and analytics solutions empower innovation in life sciences from molecule to market. The Excelra Edge comes from a seamless amalgamation of proprietary data assets, domain expertise, and data sciences to accelerate drug discovery and development. Excelra's Global Online Structure Activity Relationship Database (GOSTAR) is the largest repository for structured SAR content. Available as a one-stop data source, GOSTAR allows researchers to thoroughly explore the known chemical space around a target of interest. The database is manually curated by scientific teams who excerpt and enrich datasets from functional assays, in vitro, and in vivo studies.

Shamik Mitra Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Senior Research Scientist

Rakuten India


Bioinformatics Data Scientist



Associate Researcher

Lund University


Postdoctoral Researcher

Lund University


Org Chart - Excelra


Scientific Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shamik Mitra

What company does Shamik Mitra work for?
Shamik Mitra works for Excelra as Scientific Manager
What is Shamik Mitra’s role in Excelra?
Shamik Mitra’s role in Excelra is Scientific Manager
What is Shamik Mitra’s email address?
Shamik Mitra’s email address is s***@excelra.com
What is Shamik Mitra’s business email address?
Shamik Mitra’s business email address is s***@excelra.com
What is Shamik Mitra’s direct phone number?
Shamik Mitra’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Shamik Mitra’s work phone number?
Shamik Mitra’s headquarters phone number is (732) 283-4700
What is Shamik Mitra’s latest job experience?
Shamik Mitra’s latest job experience is Senior Research Scientist at Rakuten India
Which industry does Shamik Mitra work in?
Shamik Mitra works in the industry of Business Services General, Business Services.
Who are Shamik Mitra’s peers at other companies?
Shamik Mitra’s peers at other companies are Naga Suresh Busim, Pratyajit Mohapatra, Richard Evans, Tony Tucker, Nhan Nguyen.
Who are Shamik Mitra’s colleagues?
Some of Shamik Mitra’s colleagues are Santhosh Palan, Oliver Longjam, Chandra Pedamallu, Manoharan Mano.
How can I contact Shamik Mitra?
Shamik Mitra contact details: Email address: s***@excelra.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Shamik Mitra?

Shamik Mitra is a Scientific Manager at Excelra based in Boston, Massachusetts. Previously, Shamik was a Senior Research Scientist at Rakuten India and also held positions at Helex, Siemens Healthineers, Lund University, Lunds universitet, Saarland University, KPC Medical College & Hospital.... Read More

Where is Shamik Mitra based?
Shamik Mitra works for Excelra, located at United States
See more information about Shamik Mitra

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