Shamady Fingfing

Administrative Assistant at Integrity Homecare Solutions

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About Shamady Fingfing

Shamady Fingfing is an Administrative Assistant at Integrity Homecare Solutions based in Franklin, Tennessee.Explore more

Shamady Fingfing Current Workplace

Integrity Homecare Solutions

2022-present (2 years)

The senior care services we provide: Caring Companionship, Bed/Wheel Chair Transfers Light Housekeeping, Laundry & Linen Alzheimer's & Dementia Care Meal Preparation, Medication Reminders, Running Errands Bathing, Grooming, Toileting, And Fall Prevention Care Consultation - We help families by taking time to understand their loved one's needs and then customize a care solution for their budget and care requirements. Each family and situation is unique and we understand that home care services may not be the best option for certain situations. We take an objective view of each situation and consult the family on all possible care options that would meet their needs. Options include assisted living facilities, board and care homes, skilled nursing care, etc. Call us today to schedule your free in-home care assessment or just talk to one of our certified elder care advisors. Ask us about care funding options! Our Service Area - Serving Williamson, Davidson, Maury and Rutherford.

Org Chart - Integrity Homecare Solutions


Administrative Assistant




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shamady Fingfing

What company does Shamady Fingfing work for?
Shamady Fingfing works for Integrity Homecare Solutions as Administrative Assistant
What is Shamady Fingfing’s role in Integrity Homecare Solutions?
Shamady Fingfing’s role in Integrity Homecare Solutions is Administrative Assistant
What is Shamady Fingfing’s direct phone number?
Shamady Fingfing’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Shamady Fingfing’s work phone number?
Shamady Fingfing’s headquarters phone number is (615) 398-0090
Which industry does Shamady Fingfing work in?
Shamady Fingfing works in the industry of Hospitals & Clinics, Healthcare.
Who are Shamady Fingfing’s peers at other companies?
Shamady Fingfing’s peers at other companies are Jenifer Paquette, AnnMarie Bass, Karen Webb, Beverly Newsome, Trudy Scheurer.
Who are Shamady Fingfing’s colleagues?
Some of Shamady Fingfing’s colleagues are Catherine West, Carolyn Sampson, Danielle Cooper, Alison Palmer.
Who is Shamady Fingfing?

Shamady Fingfing is an Administrative Assistant at Integrity Homecare Solutions based in Franklin, Tennessee.... Read More

Where is Shamady Fingfing based?
Shamady Fingfing works for Integrity Homecare Solutions, located at United States
See more information about Shamady Fingfing

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