Shah Mohammad

Senior Manager at Summit Communications

Shah Mohammad Email & Phone number

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About Shah Mohammad

Shah Mohammad is a Senior Manager at Summit Communications based in Jackson, Mississippi.Explore more

Shah Mohammad Current Workplace

Summit Communications

2012-present (13 years)

Muhammed Aziz Khan, is the founder of Summit Industrial and Mercantile Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. (SIMCL). Summit Group is recognized as the largest infrastructure group in Bangladesh employing over 2000 people with investments in the energy sector, ports, shipping and information technology. Under the leadership of Muhammed Aziz Khan, Summit has set up the first Independent Power Plant of the country in 1998, Summit generates more than 1950 megawatts (MW) of electricity and is by far the largest independent power producer in Bangladesh. A further 600 MW of electricity generation facility is presently under construction by the group (75%) and GE (25%) and 2400 MW is under development. Summit has also set up Bangladeshs first private off-dock port facility, Summit Alliance Ports Limited which handles about 25% of Bangladeshs exports volume and about 7% of the countrys imports volume. Summit Power Limited, Summit Alliance Ports Limited, Ocean Containers Limited and Khulna Power Company Ltd.See more

Org Chart - Summit Communications


Senior Manager




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Shah Mohammad

What company does Shah Mohammad work for?
Shah Mohammad works for Summit Communications as Senior Manager
What is Shah Mohammad’s role in Summit Communications?
Shah Mohammad’s role in Summit Communications is Senior Manager
What is Shah Mohammad’s email address?
Shah Mohammad’s email address is s***
What is Shah Mohammad’s business email address?
Shah Mohammad’s business email address is s***
What is Shah Mohammad’s direct phone number?
Shah Mohammad’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Shah Mohammad’s work phone number?
Shah Mohammad’s headquarters phone number is (601) 922-7890
Which industry does Shah Mohammad work in?
Shah Mohammad works in the industry of Telephony & Wireless, Telecommunications.
Who are Shah Mohammad’s peers at other companies?
Shah Mohammad’s peers at other companies are Moussa Ahmat, Manish Pawar, Betty Bian, Jingyue Nie, Priyank Acharya.
Who are Shah Mohammad’s colleagues?
Some of Shah Mohammad’s colleagues are Mostofa Kamal, K M Tariquzzaman, Tausif Ashrafi, Brian Koturbash.
How can I contact Shah Mohammad?
Shah Mohammad contact details: Email address: s*** Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Shah Mohammad?

Shah Mohammad is a Senior Manager at Summit Communications based in Jackson, Mississippi.... Read More

Where is Shah Mohammad based?
Shah Mohammad works for Summit Communications, located at United States
See more information about Shah Mohammad

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