Sethuraman Natarajan

Chief Financial Officer at Zenith Software

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About Sethuraman Natarajan

Sethuraman Natarajan is the Chief Financial Officer at Zenith Software, a leading software development company based in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. He has held the position of Chief Financial Officer at Zenith Software Limited, where he was responsible for overseeing the company's financial operations and strategic decision-making.Explore more

Sethuraman Natarajan Current Workplace

Zenith Software

1997-present (28 years)

Incorporated in 1996, Zenith Software Ltd is a global IT solutions and Services Company.ZSL offers a comprehensive set of IP based software solutions, coupled with a wide range of IT services to industry verticals like Banking, Insurance, Travel & Hospitality and Government. The flagship products of Zenith Software are: Banc724 iNSURAZ(Comprehensive Insurance Solution ) Sterna iHRMS Zen-FATCA Zenith Software offers comprehensive IT services such as System Integration, IT Consulting, Infrastructure Management Services, Testing, Data Management, SMAC Services, BPO Services, Content Development & Portal Management and Staffing. The Zenith software is headquartered in Bengaluru, India with over 20 offices across India, Australia, USA and UK and over 150 customers in more than 15 countries.

Org Chart - Zenith Software

Chief Financial Officer





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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sethuraman Natarajan

What company does Sethuraman Natarajan work for?
Sethuraman Natarajan works for Zenith Software as Chief Financial Officer
What is Sethuraman Natarajan’s role in Zenith Software?
Sethuraman Natarajan’s role in Zenith Software is Chief Financial Officer
What is Sethuraman Natarajan’s direct phone number?
Sethuraman Natarajan’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sethuraman Natarajan’s work phone number?
Sethuraman Natarajan’s headquarters phone number is +91 8066958700
Which industry does Sethuraman Natarajan work in?
Sethuraman Natarajan works in the industry of Software & Technical Consulting, Software.
Who are Sethuraman Natarajan’s peers at other companies?
Sethuraman Natarajan’s peers at other companies are Shrini Tumbalam, Tom Reed, Michele Adams, Matthew Hancock, Satish Sureddi.
Who are Sethuraman Natarajan’s colleagues?
Some of Sethuraman Natarajan’s colleagues are Venkatesh Palem, Joshy Mv, Sanket Gharat, Vinod Kumarp.
Who is Sethuraman Natarajan?

Sethuraman Natarajan is the Chief Financial Officer at Zenith Software, a leading software development company based in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. He has held the position of Chief Financial Officer at Zenith Software Limited, where he was responsible for overseeing the company's financial operations and strategic decision-making.... Read More

Where is Sethuraman Natarajan based?
Sethuraman Natarajan works for Zenith Software, located at Australia
Who is Zenith Software’s Chief Financial Officer?
Zenith Software's Chief Financial Officer is Sethuraman Natarajan
See more information about Sethuraman Natarajan

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