
Seema Rath

Operations Senior Executive at PERSOLKELLY Consulting

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About Seema Rath

Seema Rath is an Operations Senior Executive at PERSOLKELLY Consulting based in Shanghai, Shanghai.Explore more

Seema Rath Current Workplace


2021-present (3 years)

With offices across Asia - in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, China (operating under Intelligence Anchor Consulting) and Japan (through collaboration with PERSOL Research and Consulting), we are committed to shape the future workforce by empowering individuals, organizations and societies. PERSOLKELLY Consulting is a subsidiary of the PERSOLKELLY company - a joint venture between PERSOL Group and Kelly Services, Inc. PERSOLKELLY is one of the largest recruitment companies in the Asia Pacific. PERSOLKELLY Consulting is a rebranding of BTI Consultants in Asia (a leading global consulting firm specializing in leadership consulting, management assessment and career transition with over 30 years track record); and Intelligence SMC (a leading Japanese consultancy company in Hong Kong which provides a full spectrum of professional human resources consulting services). PERSOLKELLY Consulting fuses its predecessors' vast experience and knowledge in innovative talent devSee more

Org Chart - PERSOLKELLY Consulting


Operations Senior Executive




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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Seema Rath

What company does Seema Rath work for?
Seema Rath works for PERSOLKELLY Consulting as Operations Senior Executive
What is Seema Rath’s role in PERSOLKELLY Consulting?
Seema Rath’s role in PERSOLKELLY Consulting is Operations Senior Executive
What is Seema Rath’s email address?
Seema Rath’s email address is s***@persolkellyconsulting.com
What is Seema Rath’s business email address?
Seema Rath’s business email address is s***@persolkellyconsulting.com
What is Seema Rath’s direct phone number?
Seema Rath’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Seema Rath’s work phone number?
Seema Rath’s headquarters phone number is +86 2123526000
Which industry does Seema Rath work in?
Seema Rath works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Seema Rath’s peers at other companies?
Seema Rath’s peers at other companies are Vikrant Anvekar, Shilpi Sarkar, Pradeep Pasbola, George Varghese, Niti Sinha.
Who are Seema Rath’s colleagues?
Some of Seema Rath’s colleagues are Ivan Lee, Hani Mn, Keegan Kosasih, Thomas Reshma Mary.
How can I contact Seema Rath?
Seema Rath contact details: Email address: s***@persolkellyconsulting.com Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Seema Rath?

Seema Rath is an Operations Senior Executive at PERSOLKELLY Consulting based in Shanghai, Shanghai.... Read More

Where is Seema Rath based?
Seema Rath works for PERSOLKELLY Consulting, located at China
See more information about Seema Rath

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