2016-present (9 years)
Sebastian Mejias
Data Strategy Data Science Senior Director, Marketing Operations at NetApp
Sebastian Mejias Email & Phone number
Sebastian Mejias Current Workplace
3060 Olsen Dr, San Jose, California, 95128, United States
Phone Number
(408) 822-6000
Number of Employees
Sebastian Mejias Work Experience Summary
Number of companies worked for
6Average duration at a company (years)
4Number of job titles
6About Sebastian Mejias
Sebastian Mejias is a Data Strategy Data Science Senior Director, Marketing Operations at NetApp based in San Jose, California.
Previously, Sebastian was an Operations Senior Manager, Marketing Automation at Gen Digital and also held positions at Broadcom, Intel, NASA, BackWeb Technologies.
Sebastian Mejias Current Workplace
NetApp, Inc. provides software, systems, and services to manage and store computer data worldwide. It offers flash; flash arrays that support data management; hybrid arrays to deploy the speed of flash storage; hybrid cloud; ONTAP cloud storage data management service; NetApp cloud sync hybrid data management Software as a Service; NetApp private storage for cloud; and AltaVault cloud-integrated solutions. The company also provides ONTAP storage operating system for data protection and security; SANtricity storage operating system, which provides performance, reliability, and data protection for application-driven workloads; SolidFire element operating system; NetApp StorageGRID Webscale software that allows customers to store and manage massive amounts of data on premises and in the cloud; NetApp integrated data protection solutions; OnCommand management software and management integration tools; and FlexArray storage virtualization software. Further, it provides software and hardwareSee more
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sebastian Mejias
Sebastian Mejias is a Data Strategy Data Science Senior Director, Marketing Operations at NetApp based in San Jose, California. Previously, Sebastian was an Operations Senior Manager, Marketing Automation at Gen Digital and also held positions at Broadcom, Intel, NASA, BackWeb Technologies....