
Sean Boyce

Community Manager at Crossroads Community Church

Sean Boyce Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Sean Boyce Current Workplace



Number of Employees

Sean Boyce Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Sean Boyce

Sean Boyce is a Community Manager at Crossroads Community Church based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Previously, Sean was an Area Director at Young Life and also held positions at Clubessential. Sean received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Northern Kentucky University.

Sean Boyce Current Workplace

Crossroads Community Church

2022-present (3 years)

Established in 1996, Crossroads Community Church is a megachurch. The church is based out of Ohio with other physical locations in surrounding areas.

Sean Boyce Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Area Director

Young Life


Customer Service Representative





Bachelor of Arts

Northern Kentucky University

Org Chart - Crossroads Community Church

Sean Boyce

Community Manager

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Sean Boyce

What company does Sean Boyce work for?
Sean Boyce works for Crossroads Community Church as Community Manager
What is Sean Boyce’s role in Crossroads Community Church?
Sean Boyce’s role in Crossroads Community Church is Community Manager
What is Sean Boyce’s email address?
Sean Boyce’s email address is s***@crossroads.net
What is Sean Boyce’s business email address?
Sean Boyce’s business email address is s***@crossroads.net
What is Sean Boyce’s direct phone number?
Sean Boyce’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Sean Boyce’s work phone number?
Sean Boyce’s headquarters phone number is (513) 731-7400
What is Sean Boyce’s latest job experience?
Sean Boyce’s latest job experience is Area Director at Young Life
What is Sean Boyce’s latest education?
Sean Boyce’s latest education in Bachelor of Arts at Northern Kentucky University
Which industry does Sean Boyce work in?
Sean Boyce works in the industry of Religious Organizations, Organizations.
Who are Sean Boyce’s peers at other companies?
Sean Boyce’s peers at other companies are Hala Elsadek, Kelly Werner, Harley Dalgleish, Natalia Olier, Camila Salcedo-Espitia.
Who are Sean Boyce’s colleagues?
Some of Sean Boyce’s colleagues are Jake Reed, Keith Miraldi, Season Huff, David Lorenzen.
How can I contact Sean Boyce?
Sean Boyce contact details: Email address: s***@crossroads.net Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Sean Boyce?

Sean Boyce is a Community Manager at Crossroads Community Church based in Cincinnati, Ohio. Previously, Sean was an Area Director at Young Life and also held positions at Clubessential. Sean received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Northern Kentucky University....

Where is Sean Boyce based?
Sean Boyce works for Crossroads Community Church, located at United States