Scott Simonds

Owner at Career Journeys

Scott Simonds Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Scott Simonds Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Scott Simonds Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles


About Scott Simonds

Scott Simonds is an Owner at Career Journeys based in Pasadena, California. Previously, Scott was an Employment Specialist at Creative Work Systems and also held positions at Healthcare Solutions Team, HealthMarkets, American Freedom Coalition, Service for Peace.

Scott Simonds Current Workplace

Career Journeys

2017-present (7 years)

Career Journeys is a career counseling private practice and consulting company that assists individuals and groups in the processes of team building, personality assessment, communication development, career transition and career exploration. This private practice, formed in 2002, assists adults facing career transition and offers consulting services to organizations and universities in the realm of individual career and organizational development. Career Journeys has WMBE (Women and Minority Owned Enterprise) certification status.

Scott Simonds Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Employment Specialist

Creative Work Systems


Residential Manager

Creative Work Systems


Direct Service Provider

Creative Work Systems


Independent Broker

Healthcare Solutions Team


Org Chart - Career Journeys

Scott Simonds


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Scott Simonds

What company does Scott Simonds work for?
Scott Simonds works for Career Journeys as Owner
What is Scott Simonds’s role in Career Journeys?
Scott Simonds’s role in Career Journeys is Owner
What is Scott Simonds’s email address?
Scott Simonds’s email address is s***@careerjourneys.me
What is Scott Simonds’s business email address?
Scott Simonds’s business email address is s***@careerjourneys.me
What is Scott Simonds’s direct phone number?
Scott Simonds’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Scott Simonds’s work phone number?
Scott Simonds’s headquarters phone number is (626) 793-7753
What is Scott Simonds’s latest job experience?
Scott Simonds’s latest job experience is Employment Specialist at Creative Work Systems
Which industry does Scott Simonds work in?
Scott Simonds works in the industry of Human Resources & Staffing, Business Services.
Who are Scott Simonds’s peers at other companies?
Scott Simonds’s peers at other companies are Tommie Shaw, Mark Fisher, William Inglis, Duane Boyce, Anne Baum.
Who are Scott Simonds’s colleagues?
Some of Scott Simonds’s colleagues are Shannon Gilchrist, Susan Lauzac.
How can I contact Scott Simonds?
Scott Simonds contact details: Email address: s***@careerjourneys.me Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Scott Simonds?

Scott Simonds is an Owner at Career Journeys based in Pasadena, California. Previously, Scott was an Employment Specialist at Creative Work Systems and also held positions at Healthcare Solutions Team, HealthMarkets, American Freedom Coalition, Service for Peace....

Where is Scott Simonds based?
Scott Simonds works for Career Journeys, located at United States
Who is Career Journeys’s Owner?
Career Journeys's Owner is Scott Simonds