
Scott Martin

Vice President, Client Services at Gold Star Training

Scott Martin Email & Phone number


(***) ***-****

Scott Martin Current Workplace


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Scott Martin Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Scott Martin

Scott Martin is a Vice President, Client Services at Gold Star Training based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Previously, Scott was a Director, Security & Parking at UC Irvine Health. Scott received a Associate of Administration of Justice degree from Cerritos College.

Scott Martin Current Workplace

Gold Star Training

2019-present (6 years)

Goldstar establishes core competency standards, trains and assesses public safety personnel to those standards. Our goal is to equip public safety officers so they're capable of resolving interpersonal field conflict created by uncooperative, dangerous and violent individuals, who interfere with their organization's ability to deliver quality products and/or superior services to their consumers.

Scott Martin Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Principal Owner

Be Safe Systems


Director, Security & Parking

UC Irvine Health




Associate of Administration of Justice

Cerritos College

Org Chart - Gold Star Training

Scott Martin

Vice President, Client Services

Intent on Scott Martin's Company


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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Scott Martin

What company does Scott Martin work for?
Scott Martin works for Gold Star Training as Vice President, Client Services
What is Scott Martin’s role in Gold Star Training?
Scott Martin’s role in Gold Star Training is Vice President, Client Services
What is Scott Martin’s email address?
Scott Martin’s email address is s***@goldstartraining.org
What is Scott Martin’s business email address?
Scott Martin’s business email address is s***@goldstartraining.org
What is Scott Martin’s direct phone number?
Scott Martin’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Scott Martin’s work phone number?
Scott Martin’s headquarters phone number is (909) 466-1110
What is Scott Martin’s latest job experience?
Scott Martin’s latest job experience is Principal Owner at Be Safe Systems
What is Scott Martin’s latest education?
Scott Martin’s latest education in Associate of Administration of Justice at Cerritos College
Which industry does Scott Martin work in?
Scott Martin works in the industry of Training, Education.
Who are Scott Martin’s peers at other companies?
Scott Martin’s peers at other companies are Jessica Archer, Amy Gulley, Scott Rich, Emily Doherty, Jo Cahill Wingate.
Who are Scott Martin’s colleagues?
Some of Scott Martin’s colleagues are Andrew Tufano, Ingrid Sa'ena-Brown.
How can I contact Scott Martin?
Scott Martin contact details: Email address: s***@goldstartraining.org Phone number: (***) ***-****
Who is Scott Martin?

Scott Martin is a Vice President, Client Services at Gold Star Training based in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Previously, Scott was a Director, Security & Parking at UC Irvine Health. Scott received a Associate of Administration of Justice degree from Cerritos College....

Where is Scott Martin based?
Scott Martin works for Gold Star Training, located at United Kingdom