Scott Ewing

Co-Owner at Logan Western Supply

Scott Ewing Email & Phone number

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About Scott Ewing

Scott Ewing is a Co-Owner at Logan Western Supply based in Kechi, Kansas.Explore more

Scott Ewing Current Workplace

Logan Western Supply

2024-present (7 months)

Logan Western Supply, LLC is a family owned and operated business located in the heart of the midwest. We consider our customers friends and family and feel so fortunate to have had their support for almost 20 years. At Logan's we strive to sell only the highest quality products and pride ourselves in offering the best customer service. We our proud to produce and sale many American made products such as; Logan Boots, Rios of Mercedes Boots, Anderson Bean Boots, Olathe Boots, Tom Balding Bits and Spurs, Schultz Brothers tack, American Hats, ect. The store is located in Kechi, KS. 5 short minutes north of Wichita and right off of HWY 254 and only two miles east of I-135 on the 61street exit. If you can't stop by the store we ship all over the USA and world just give us a call - 1-800-294-2508. Logan Western Supply also has the traveling store located in the Logan trailer and trade shows across the United States. Check out our events section to see if we our coming to a town near you. PlSee more

Org Chart - Logan Western Supply






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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Scott Ewing

What company does Scott Ewing work for?
Scott Ewing works for Logan Western Supply as Co-Owner
What is Scott Ewing’s role in Logan Western Supply?
Scott Ewing’s role in Logan Western Supply is Co-Owner
What is Scott Ewing’s direct phone number?
Scott Ewing’s direct phone number is (***) ***-****
What is Scott Ewing’s work phone number?
Scott Ewing’s headquarters phone number is (316) 744-2508
Which industry does Scott Ewing work in?
Scott Ewing works in the industry of Retail General, Retail.
Who are Scott Ewing’s peers at other companies?
Scott Ewing’s peers at other companies are Donna Kelly, Jeff Queen, Michelle Zingraf, Joshua Buchholz, Catriona Williams.
Who are Scott Ewing’s colleagues?
Some of Scott Ewing’s colleagues are Logan Western.
Who is Scott Ewing?

Scott Ewing is a Co-Owner at Logan Western Supply based in Kechi, Kansas.... Read More

Where is Scott Ewing based?
Scott Ewing works for Logan Western Supply, located at United States
Who is Logan Western Supply’s Co-Owner?
Logan Western Supply's Co-Owner is Scott Ewing
See more information about Scott Ewing

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