Scot Kersten

Senior VP, Supply Chain at Rural King

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Scot Kersten Email & Phone number


(217) ***-****

Scot Kersten Current Workplace


Rural King


Phone Number

Number of Employees

Scot Kersten Work Experience Summary

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles


About Scot Kersten

Scot Kersten is a Senior VP, Supply Chain at Rural King based in Mattoon, Illinois. Previously, Scot was a Senior Programmer at Accenture and also held positions at Rural King, Walmart, Advance Auto Parts, Best Buy. Scot received a dual degree degree from Michigan State University.

Scot Kersten Current Workplace

Rural King

2012-present (12 years)

Rural King is a family-owned and operated farm supply store that offers a mix of products from clothing, housewares, and toys to livestock feed and farm equipment. Rural King is headquartered in Mattoon, Illinois.

Scot Kersten Work Experience & Education

Number of companies worked for


Average duration at a company (years)


Number of job titles

Work Experience

Work Experience

Director, Warehousing, Logistics, Supply Chain

Rural King


Senior Programmer



Manager, Market



Research and Developement

Advance Auto Parts




dual degree - Physics and Music

Michigan State University

Org Chart - Rural King

Scot Kersten

Senior VP, Supply Chain

Recent News About Scot Kersten

Web References
Web References
  • news feed 1

    Scot Kersten , Walmart market manager, said the event, which he hopes will become an annual tradition, was designed to help children who don't get to ...
  • news feed 2

    Josh Dahmes, Risdall Search Marketing | Mike Rynchek, Spyder Trap | Brian Brown, ideaPark | Paul Isakson, space150 | Jennifer Kemp, Kemp & Co | Gina G...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Scot Kersten

What company does Scot Kersten work for?
Scot Kersten works for Rural King as Senior VP, Supply Chain
What is Scot Kersten’s role in Rural King?
Scot Kersten’s role in Rural King is Senior VP, Supply Chain
What is Scot Kersten’s email address?
Scot Kersten’s email address is s***
What is Scot Kersten’s business email address?
Scot Kersten’s business email address is s***
What is Scot Kersten’s direct phone number?
Scot Kersten’s direct phone number is (217) ***-****
What is Scot Kersten’s work phone number?
Scot Kersten’s headquarters phone number is (217) 235-7101
What is Scot Kersten’s latest job experience?
Scot Kersten’s latest job experience is Director, Warehousing, Logistics, Supply Chain at Rural King
What is Scot Kersten’s latest education?
Scot Kersten’s latest education in dual degree - Physics and Music at Michigan State University
Which industry does Scot Kersten work in?
Scot Kersten works in the industry of Home Improvement & Hardware Retail, Retail.
Who are Scot Kersten’s peers at other companies?
Scot Kersten’s peers at other companies are Jim Abbott, Mike Ohlin, James Bach, Kandy Fox, Douglas Clark.
Who are Scot Kersten’s colleagues?
Some of Scot Kersten’s colleagues are Mallory Pond, John Heiserman, Aaron Novak, Kelsey Wirick.
How can I contact Scot Kersten?
Scot Kersten contact details: Email address: s*** Phone number: (217) ***-****
Who is Scot Kersten?

Scot Kersten is a Senior VP, Supply Chain at Rural King based in Mattoon, Illinois. Previously, Scot was a Senior Programmer at Accenture and also held positions at Rural King, Walmart, Advance Auto Parts, Best Buy. Scot received a dual degree degree from Michigan State University....

Where is Scot Kersten based?
Scot Kersten works for Rural King, located at United States